Teaching and Learning

Term 4
Year 6 and Year 12 Graduation
The Year6's and Year 12's have been excitedly preparing for their graduation celebrations. We are looking forward to celebrating these significant milestones in the coming weeks. School graduations are important bookends in every student's schooling life and something that marks the next step in their life journey.
This will be the last official newsletter for our Year 12 students transitioning on to new adventures. We wish them every success as they leave school and hope that they return to visit us in the future.
Semester 2 Student Reports
This week, your child’s Semester Two Student Report will be available to view and download on Compass. To access the report on Compass please go to: Profile (Attendance, Schedule, Reports) > Reports tab > 2023 - Semester 2. If you have any questions about your child’s report prior to SSGs, please feel free to contact your classroom teacher or section leader.
Term 4 SSG Meetings
On Tuesday 28th November, we will have our final Student Support Group (SSG) meeting for the year. SSGs will be held after school from 3.15pm - 6.30pm. The purpose of this SSG meeting is to provide an opportunity for families to discuss the Semester Two Student Report, celebrate student learning and achievement for 2023 and to have an opportunity to share any information to be mindful of when your child moves to their next year level. These meetings will run for 15 minutes to accommodate all families. If you feel that there is a need for additional time, please contact Flora or Karlie so we can make alternate arrangements.
We are pleased to be able to offer both meeting modes, face to face and Webex.
Bookings are now open via Compass. If your preference is Webex, please let your classroom teacher know.
Most of our specialist subjects will be offering interviews and these can be booked directly through Compass. If you need support with making a booking feel free to call the office or email your classroom teacher.
Any further questions feel free to contact Flora, Karlie or your section leaders.
Take care,
Karlie Gooding
Acting Assistant Principal (Teaching & Learning)