Years 2 & 4

This week in Year 2/4 we have had some fun in maths. We made Symmetry Monsters and  also learnt how to translate, reflect and rotate shapes. The Year 2's counted all our recycling bottles and discovered that we have collected 50 plastic bottles ready for recycling. They correctly calculated that if each bottle is worth 10c then we will make $5 at the recycling depot.

Mrs McNaughton gave a lesson on how to write a postcard. Everyone enjoyed picking their favourite place to write from and designing a suitable cover picture. The cards are on display along the entrance hall and people are welcome to read them.

Everyone was pleased to be reunited with their Fleece and Flower Show entries and you can see below who earned an award. The whole class really put in a lot of time and effort into presenting their best work and they all must be congratulated. I hope our families enjoy reading and viewing their work.