Years F-1

This week we have been looking at transactional writing, we have read books that have included letters and students have been looking at the different features. They have enjoyed some of the funny letters and the little jokes they have had inside. In writing we have started writing letters to Santa. Students started with kind things like asking how Santa is and what he has been up to. We wrote about something they were proud of or something they enjoyed. They then enjoyed writing about what they would like to for Christmas. We will decorate the letters and send them off to Santa and wait for Santa's reply. 

In maths this week we have been revising fractions and what half is. The students got a picture of a star in a square and they had to decide how to cut the square and star in half and draw a line through it. We had to colour in each section in a different colour and we added eyes, nose and a mouth. They looked amazing and we had lots of fun creating them.

In humanities this week students drew a map of Cavendish and they had to draw all the different features. Students had to add whether the features are built or nature. They were super creative and had lots of fun. 

It was a huge credit to the students for there hard work that was presented at the Fleece and Flower Show. They all worked so hard and it was amazing seeing the students proud of the work they had created. Here are some of the winners from the show. 

Grade 1 Narrative
Grade 2 Prjoect
Foundation 2D Art
Year 1 2D Art
Foundation Narrative
Foundation 3D Art
Grade 1 3D Art
Foundation Project
Grade 2 3D Art
Grade 1 Narrative
Grade 2 Prjoect
Foundation 2D Art
Year 1 2D Art
Foundation Narrative
Foundation 3D Art
Grade 1 3D Art
Foundation Project
Grade 2 3D Art