Senior School

As we are heading towards the end of Term 1 it’s a good time to take stock of what has been going on in the Senior School since the start of the year.
Our Year 10s, 11s and 12s were back on board in week 1 as they started the new year with new lockers, new subjects, new teachers and new class mates.
Our Year 12s (and Year 11 students completing a 3/4 subject) have just endured their first round of SACs which for the most part have been handled well. I’m sure they are looking forward to the Term break to recharge their batteries before the next round of SACs early in Term 2. Before SAC season however, the Year 12s received their school badges in week 3 at an all school assembly and had a welcome BBQ lunch cooked by the Senior School Team in week 4.
The Year 11s have been enjoying access to the Senior Centre and microwaves at lunchtimes and many of them are utilising to space to study before and after school. The Year 11s will have their Senior School BBQ early next term. Our Year 11s attended an all day excursion to Box Hill Institute of Tafe, Lilydale campus, in week 8 for a RYDA road safety workshop. This was a very worthwhile and timely exercise as most of our Year 11s are either on or about to get their Learner permits.
The Year 10s have been busy preparing for their work experience week in Term 2 and it is pleasing to see so many students already with placements organised. If you don’t have a placement yet please keep trying and remember to use our careers team for help. The Year 10 Senior School BBQ was held on Friday in week 8 with over 250 sausages being cooked and dished out by the Senior School Team.
On top of all this we have also had our school swimming sports which were very well attended, school cross country carnival, study skills sessions presented by Mr McNeil and presentations from members of the Koonung Alumni Society.
So, all in all, a busy Term 1 with another busy term coming up with the GAT, mid year exams (Years 10 and 11) and work experience (Year 10). I encourage all parents and students to make sure you get some quality down time in the term break but if you are in Year 12 make sure you do some study (of Term 1 work) and preparation (for Term 2 work) especially in the second week.
Michael Harte
Head of Senior School
Year 12 VCE Geography students visit to Burwood Suburban Rail Loop site
On Thursday 29 February, Koonung’s Year 12 VCE Geographers joined a very select crew of Melbournians by gaining access to the Suburban Rail Loop Burwood construction site. As part of Unit 3, Land Use Change, students have been looking at the process and nature of significant land use change and seek to be able to analyse, describe and explain this change and assess its impacts. With construction at such an early stage, students have been considering the research question ‘How is the Suburban Rail Link Authority managing the impacts of land use change at Suburban Rail Link Burwood construction site and surroundings?’
We were very grateful for the help of Rebecca McHutchison (Senior Engagement Advisor – Suburban Rail Loop Authority) in arranging this opportunity and Charles Windeyer (Precinct Director of Box Hill and Burwood) for coming down and explaining the complexity of what they are doing at these sites. On the day we were lucky enough to be joined by a range of experts from OHS to engineering to environmental management to help us with our fieldwork data collection. In doing so we found it there is a lot more to a large-scale project than digging a hole in the ground. With the first train not scheduled to run until 2035 it is hoped that this relationship and opportunity for students will be continued well into the future.
Did you know? The tunnel boring machines (TBMs) used for the Suburban Rail Loop, once in place underground, are 105 metres long!
Shaun Sanderson
Teacher of Geograhy and Humanities
Live Life Coordinator