Middle Years News

Year 7 Picnic
On the evening of Thursday 15 February, Koonung Secondary College invited parents and families of our new Year 7 cohort to the annual Year 7 Picnic. The Picnic provides an opportunity for us to welcome students, parents and families into the Koonung community, and provides an opportunity for us to welcome families into the school to meet the families of their child’s friends and peers, and their teachers too.
The atmosphere was highly celebratory, with many parents speaking positively of their child’s transition to Koonung, a real testament to the relationships that our staff have already started forming with our new Year 7 students.
The evening was scored by performances from Koonung’s highly successful Instrumental Music program, and the Student Leaders coordinated and ran a barbecue across the night. The College’s PFA were also present to meet and assist in welcoming the new members of our community.
Thank you for entrusting us with your child and their education, we look forward to working with you across the next six years as they complete their formal schooling journey.
Year 7 Camp
On Monday 25 March, 18 staff members and 165 students departed Mont Albert North for three days of fun, adventure and bonding – Year 7 Camp had begun!
The Year 7 class of 2024 spent their time at Alexandra Adventure Resort challenging themselves to work towards demonstrating the values of our school motto “Excellence through Endeavour”.
Students pushed themselves outside their comfort zones and help them extend their friendships beyond those made in their classes by completing the high ropes course and rock climbing, flying through the air on the giant swing and the flying fox, splashing about in the pool, or by raft building (and some even took a dip while canoeing!), with many students relishing in the challenges and honing their survival skills by playing laser tag and doing archery.
From 6am wake ups to Gaga Ball competitions, to a very interesting talent show, the Year 7 cohort were exceptional, with students embodying our core school values and the School Wide Positive Behaviours Support values through their kindness, compassion and willingness to “give it a go” and push themselves outside their comfort zones.
A real highlight was the Chant competition, where students reflected upon their camp experience as a group and performed a chant celebrating their favourite activities and the staff that helped contribute to this experience. Well done to Group 5 for their creativity and energy to win the contest.
I have included some reflections from Koonung students on their camp experiences below. Please take a moment to read these.
I’d like to thank the staff that attended Year 7 Camp, and supported our students by building incredibly strong relationships with them over the course of the camp. I’d also like to acknowledge the Middle Years Team – Lauren Hughes and Regan Garner, for the work they did, both in the lead up to, and during the camp itself, to create the best experiences for the students.
Year 7 Reflections of Camp
Camp was a great experience. There were some interesting experiences, such as Mr Delaney waking us up by blasting music. Canoeing was fun, especially when the teachers tried to splash us and we raced around the lake looking for tennis balls. We also had a campfire night that we went on a walk and roasted marshmallows. The second night we had a talent show, and if you won you would get a block of chocolate. The days were packed full of activities so you were never bored. Even on the day we were leaving, we did 2 activities and had the chant competition and awards. The cabins were good, as you would meet new people, but still had someone you knew, and it was the same with the activity groups. Overall it was really fun and was one of the best camps I've been on.
Skye Wearne 7G
The camp was an enjoyable experience, we got to do a range of activities that we could do, like high ropes and raft building. The cabins were also not as terrible as most of us would expect, the way that Mr Delaney woke us up, ( even the teachers,) was a bit of a shock, but one of the most efficient ways to wake us all up. The food was pretty good, but we all thought that the camp had something about cake, ( they served cake at afternoon tea and morning tea, also supper!). The pool was really, really, freezing cold even though in the morning it was steaming cause it was just that cold. A Lot of people enjoyed the lazer tag the most, ( but I didn’t, as the guns were extremely hard to shoot with and that they were heavy. We also roasted marshmallows over a campfire, but even though the flames were starting to die, the fire was so hot! We all had to look away as we were roasting marshmallows. Then the last day we did a group chant, but it was hard to get everyone to learn the chant while they were doing something on the low ropes. Overall the camp was an experience that I would never forget, no matter the years. Thanks to all the staff that organised the camp, and came to the camp, away from their families, ( and pets!).
Ellein Chua 7H
CAMP WAS AMAZING!!!! It was easily the best camp I have ever been on. All the activities were amazing and very entertaining, and all the facilities were so good. And they were very thrilling. The night activities where very fun and entertaining and it was good to come closer to my friends. The staff were very nice and considerate. We never got bored, and all the teachers gave us time to talk, have showers, rest, and play with our friends. We got up every morning excited for what was to come. And the camp was very well planned and put together, and the rooms gave us lots of space. Overall the camp was amazing and I’m sure everyone came back with great memories and can reflect on how fun it was.
Nathan Hanslow 7G
Year 8 - End of Term Wrap Up
In the opening assembly for Year 8, Ms Natsis discussed the idea that our students will finish the school year as very different people to who they are now. Over the course of Year 7, each of them learnt valuable insights into their identity and the different ways that they learn. The students that entered 2024 as Year 8 students are growing to become leaders, build their confidence and have been helping the new Year 7 cohort transition to high school.
Students develop who they are through their values and actions. We are really proud to be part of a community of such outstanding young people that showcase Respect, Resilience, Collaboration, Endeavour, Excellence and Creativity. We are incredibly proud to say that students have hit the ground running with new friendships, new classroom teachers, new subjects and a range of opportunities to be challenged.
Excellence Through Endeavour Awards
On 28 March, the whole Middle School assembly took place. During this assembly, a new award was introduced – the “Excellence Through Endeavour” award. The recipients of these awards have been selected based off their conduct and application to school life across Term 1, including their demonstration of the school values. Well done to the following recipients:
Year 7
- Shion Chenall
- Eboni Kwok
- Archer De Run
- Sahasra Adapa
- Leander Reichenbach
Year 8
- Ryan Chen
- Jayden So
- Hime Delaney
- Millie Porcaro
- Rae Brown
Year 9
- Sebastian Lim
- Chloe Wightman
- Dylan Singh
- Kaylin Ngian
- Choying Jigme
Middle School Team
The 2024 Middle School team are your primary contact for you regarding any matters relating to your child in Years 7-9.
- Mat Delaney – Head of Middle School
- Regan Garner – Middle Years Administrator
- Lauren Hughes – Year 7 Coordinator
- Nikita Natsis – Year 8 Coordinator
- Stuart Kofoed – Year 9 Coordinator
- Trevor Vanden Driesen – Middle Years Support (Term 1)
Mathew Delaney Head of Middle School | Regan Garner Middle School Administrator
| Trevor Vanden Driesen Middle School Coordinator
| Lauren Hughes Year 7 Coordinator
| Nikita Natsis Year 8 Coordinator | Stuart Kofoed Year 9 Coordinator
Year 9 Live Life Community Module students excelling in our community
Nothing gives us more pride than when we receive wonderful feedback from our wider community.
A major part of the Year 9 Live Life Community Module involves students attending local community placements (e.g. early childhood centres, primary schools or aged care facilities) every Wednesday for 3 hours (12 - 3pm) for 6 weeks each term. In past years, students have enjoyed the opportunities that community placements have provided them. They have identified the growth in self-discipline, organisational skills and feeling good about giving back to the local community, as the key outcomes of the program. These placements provide an ideal opportunity to display the values of endeavour, collaboration and respect we are trying to instil within them in this program.
This term, we were delighted to receive the following feedback from Meredith Holmes (Mecwacare Simon Price Aged Care Centre) about two of our students after only the second week of their placement! It has been many years since our school has used this facility as a student placement after it underwent extensive renovations and reopened last October. Well done to Ryan L and Tom B (Year 9) for embracing this opportunity on a personal level but also being great ambassadors for our school in the local community. Our school extends its heartfelt thanks to Mecwacare, Simon Price Centre for offering to host our students as part of our program and hope that this is the start of a long and fulfilling intergenerational community partnership. Similarly, Choe and Emily have represented the College well at Belmore School. Well done Year 9 students!
Feedback from Meredith Holmes, Care Support Coordinator, Mecwacare
I wanted to take a moment to share some positive feedback regarding two students in the Year 9 Live Life Community Placement Volunteer Program at Koonung Secondary College.
It brings me great joy to express my appreciation for the outstanding representation of your school by Tom B and Ryan L. These two young gentlemen embody intelligence, impeccable manners, emotional intelligence, and genuine empathy. As a parent of three teenage boys myself, I can attest to the rarity of such qualities in today's youth. Tom and Ryan have impressed us immensely with their enthusiasm, insightful questions, and sincere interest in engaging with our residents. Their presence has been a breath of fresh air, and the residents have thoroughly enjoyed sharing their stories with them.
To be candid, if they were of age, I would be extending them job offers without hesitation. Their remarkable blend of common sense, exceptional communication skills, and composed demeanor in handling tasks is truly commendable.
I extend my heartfelt gratitude to you for reaching out and facilitating their involvement at Mecwacare, Simon Price Centre. Their participation not only enriches the experience for our residents but also serves as a reminder to us all that there are indeed remarkable young individuals making a positive difference in our communities.
Thank you once again for your support and for nurturing such exceptional talents at Koonung Secondary College.
Feedback from Sofie Yannacopoulos, Assistant Principal, Belmore School
Hi Andrew,
I have submitted feedback for Chloe and Emily on behalf of the staff who supervised their placement.
I wanted to mention that they were absolutely delightful to have at our school and the way they interacted with our students, in a very respectful manner is to be commended.
Chloe and Emily have grown in confidence over the past 6 weeks and they became part of our unique community. Their smiles and enthusiasm was welcomed by all and we would definitely have them back.
Andrew Mangonis and Georgia Asvestas (Live Life Community Module staff)