Health and Physical Education

Year 11 Physical Education
In weeks 7-9, our Year 11 PE students have been investigating the question, “What are the contemporary issues associated with physical activity and sport?” This includes topics such as disability in sport, with students learning and participating in the Paralympic sport of Goal Ball (video link to find out more
Goalball is a team sport played indoors by athletes with vision impairment. The object of the game is to roll the ball into the opponent’s goal while the opposing players try to block the ball with their bodies. Bells inside the ball help orientate the players by indicating the direction of the oncoming ball. Students wore blind folds and had only their ears to locate the ball on the court. Below are some pictures of students warming up with some pass the bell ball activities before getting into a full goal ball game (well done to plain team for winning the match!).
In future lessons, students will also look at walking netball/basketball, and AFL 9s, exploring how these modified versions of recreational sports promote physical activity in all members of the community.
Claire Murray
Health and Physical Education Domain PLC Leader
Interschool Sport and Carnivals Co-ordinator