2024 KSC Swimming Carnival

Congratulations to all those who participated in the 2024 Swimming Carnival! It was a fantastic day of colour, competition, and great weather, and amazing to see everyone coming together in their houses. Results of the day are as follows:
Overall House Points:
1st Conder
2nd McCubbin
3rd Roberts
4th Streeton
Age Group Champions:
13 years; Alyssa Lau and Leander Reichenbach
14 years; Neve Murley and Gabriel Patino Portela
15 years; Ilaria Stamp and William Thraves
16 years; Cici Lu and James Allen
17 years; Ollie Beaton
20 years; Vivian Pan and Patrick Foster-Johnson
House Captains Recap
Cooper Rossely – Conder House Captain
This year’s swimming carnival has been my all time favourite. Playing basketball, swimming and playing water volleyball were great fun, the dress ups were very impressive, and it was a very well run event. However, the best part was Conder winning the carnival after finishing on the most points! Thank you to all the teachers and students who made it all possible 😊.
James England – McCubbin House Captain
I’d say we started the year off strong with the swimming carnival, and even though we were tragically robbed of victory in the house chants, I’m still very happy with the participation we got from all the houses, whether it was chants, best dressed, or the fan favourite volleyball. All in all, it was definitely a ton of fun and a day to be remembered for years to come, and round of applause to us for getting second place, I’m proud of all my little McCubbin minions :) let’s aim for the top! GO MCCUBBIN!!!
Samaya Uecker - Roberts House Captain
We kicked off the day with tons of sunscreen, some epic house chants, and the chance to see everyone’s amazing costumes ranging from Marios to Mr Marsh look-a-likes! The hot weather made for perfect swimming with lots of participation in both the lapathon and iconic volleyball which is always entertaining. We concluded the day of fun with the long-awaited staff vs students relay with many keen teachers helping to take home the win. Overall, the day was definitely a blast to be remembered and the other houses should prepare themselves for the rising of the Lightning McQueen Dream Team, Go Roberts!!
Jazlyn Danziger – Streeton House Captain
Our final swimming carnival has come and gone, leaving me with a mixed sensation of happiness and sadness because it was the last time I could dress up and compete against my peers in my year level while still hanging out with friends. Being the 2024 Streeton house captain provided a completely different perspective on this event. Being able to connect with numerous people and support my fellow house was an experience that I will never forget. Having everyone shout my chant and witnessing all of the support from my house was an unforgettable experience. I am extremely proud of everyone who participated to that day and thankful to be able to represent the greatest house; we may have finished fourth, but it doesn't mean we won't turn things around. "ON THREE, STREETON, STREETON, STRETON!"
Claire Murray
Health and Physical Education Domain PLC Leader
Interschool Sport and Carnivals Co-ordinator