
Plenty River College Partners with Reclink to Enhance Student Wellbeing

Plenty River College is excited to announce its partnership with Reclink for the first two terms of the school year, offering students a transformative program every Thursday afternoon. This collaboration has enabled students to participate in a variety of engaging physical activities, including bowling, football, soccer, basketball, badminton, and gym sessions.


The Reclink program is designed to not only improve students' physical health but also enhance their mental wellbeing and promote greater social inclusion. By participating in these activities, students are able to build friendships, interact in new dynamics, and develop valuable skills such as teamwork and leadership.


The program has been a resounding success, with students eagerly anticipating each weekly session. It has proven to be an effective way to keep students engaged in a social and fun environment, ultimately contributing to their overall wellbeing.

Plenty River College looks forward to continuing its partnership with Reclink and exploring new ways to support the health and happiness of its students.



Kat Digala, 

Youth Welfare Team Leader