Principals Message 

Welcome back to our returning parents, guardians, and students, and a warm welcome to those joining us for the first time this year! We're thrilled to have each and every one of you, alongside our dedicated staff, back with us. With everyone's support, we're confident that this year will be another remarkable one.


At PRC, we hold dear the values of Passion for learning and teaching, Empowerment, Respect, Responsibility, and Kindness, fostering an environment where everyone can thrive and reach their full potential. We encourage everyone to uphold these values in all that they do.


Last year was a great success, culminating in our memorable graduation and presentation night on December 1st, beautifully captured by our talented photographer. If you haven't had the chance to view the photos from that evening, please don't hesitate to reach out to our administration staff for a copy of your child's cherished memories.


As we embark on this new academic year, we have implemented a few changes. One notable adjustment is the revised school dismissal time, now set for 3:00 pm instead of 3:30 pm. This change, informed by valuable feedback from both students and teachers, aims to ensure ample time for students to return home, recharge, and be fully prepared for the following day, ultimately improving their attendance and engagement at school.


Additionally, Fridays will now be designated as off-site school activity days. This exciting initiative offers students opportunities for work experience, structured workplace learning, volunteering, or paid employment. By bridging classroom learning with real-world applications and personal interests, we aim to enrich students' educational experiences and demonstrate the relevance of their studies to their future careers.


We're eagerly looking forward to the incredible year, filled with growth, learning, and meaningful connections. Together, let's make this another year to remember!


Thank you,

Veronica - Principal