Principal's Address

Boorowa Central Show success

I had the pleasure of attending the Boorowa Show last weekend, a great little rural event that showcases the talents of many locals.

I was particularly pleased to see our school Show Team representing in the steer showing led by Agriculture Teacher Mr McDonald. The school steers ‘Winston’ and ‘Cloudy’, who have only been at the school for 4 weeks, performed admirably under the guidance of our very inexperienced, but excited students. All students who participated in the team represented the school with pride. Next stop is the Yass show. I wish them good luck and hope they can bring home the ribbons.

Our school was also awarded the Ron and Joan Clark Trophy for winning the school fresh produce challenge – the first time we have won since the trophy has been awarded. This was impressively complemented by the fantastic school display that was erected in the pavilion.

Well done to all of the students and staff involved in preparing and presenting at the show.

Beyond the Line

The NSW Department of Education’s Beyond the Line Program supports second and third-year Bachelor of Education and Master of Teaching students to travel with the department to experience teaching at selected regional, rural and remote NSW public schools. Students participating in the week-long trip engage with the local community as well as gain valuable insights from teachers in regional, rural and remote NSW schools. On Friday, these 17 university students visited Boorowa Central school and had the opportunity to observe our teachers doing what they do best. They also enjoyed mingling with the students and playing basketball with the staff.

It is hoped that via this program, university students based in urban areas can see how amazing rural schools can be and choose to be a part of something special like Boorowa Central School. This would surely help schools such as ours to be able to fill all of our teaching positions and offer a broad range of subjects in high school. Who knows, maybe one of our visitors today will end up here in the near future.

International Women’s Day

International Women's Day (March 8) is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating women's equality. 

This year’s theme was ‘Inspire Inclusion’. When we inspire others to understand and value women's inclusion, we forge a better world. When women themselves are inspired to be included, there's a sense of belonging, relevance, and empowerment.

At Boorowa Central School we celebrate the contribution that women make to all of our lives as grandmothers, mothers, sisters, aunties, cousins, work colleagues, leaders and so much more. We encourage all of our students to include others, consider others points of view and educate our boys about treating women equally, and with respect.

Helmets on Bikes and Scooters

I am seeing an increase in students in both secondary and primary who are riding or scootering to school without helmets on. This is also evident when they are using the skate park outside of school hours.

It is the law that helmets are to be worn when riding a bike or a scooter. It is also very difficult to heal a brain after it has been injured.

Let’s work together to minimise the risk of brain injury for our students. Please ensure your children are wearing their helmets when they are riding their bikes and scooters.