From the Wellbeing Leader

Jessica Robinson

Welcome Tayla Sheahan

We welcome Tayla to our teaching team at St Paul as our Reception Teacher. Tayla has shared the following with our community: 

Hi everyone! I am Tayla Sheahan and am so excited to join St Paul this year. Although born in Adelaide, I actually grew up in Sydney where I did my schooling and went to University. I moved to Adelaide in 2020 and took some time to experience country teaching in the Barossa Valley and Yorke Peninsula. On weekends, I enjoy keeping active with pilates, gym and most recently park runs. I love to read, explore new places and spend time with my family and friends. I enjoy travelling and have been to Europe, the US, Fiji, Thailand and New Zealand. I will take a break from my travelling adventures as I build my first home. Thank you for such a warm welcome into the community; I look forward to getting to know everyone more.

Chapels in Term 1

This term in Chapel, we will be sharing the Story of Easter while also exploring the different feelings we may experience as we unpack this important story. Gal 5:22-23A “But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.” This passage will support us as we think about how God has gifted us all with a wonderful range of feelings. Each week, we will share a part of the Easter Story and a Kimochi Feeling will help us unpack and connect to the story.


Thank you to Mr Buxton for leading us this morning and sharing about the Last Supper and the feeling of Surprised.


Please feel welcome to join us for worship each Wednesday morning this term at 9am in the Church.


The hosts for our Chapels this term will be:

Week 5: Installation of Student Leaders with Miss Robinson. Kimochi Feeling: Friendly

Week 6: Mrs Whalan with The Thankful Leper. Kimochi Feeling: Grateful 

Week 7: Mr Mayer with Lazarus. Kimochi Feeling: Sad

Week 8: 5 Woodward with Palm Sunday and Kimochi Feeling: Optimistic

Week 9: 4 Burgan with Good Friday. Kimochi Feeling: Scared

Week 10: Miss Mattner with The Resurrection. Kimochi Feeling: Loved

Week 11: Vicar Sean with Closing Chapel. Kimochi Feeling: Sensitive

Chapel and Assembly Livestreaming

Chapels and Assemblies will continue to be livestreamed on our closed group on Facebook each week for anyone wanting to view this from home. You can find this by searching ‘St Paul Lutheran School Blair Athol Live Streaming’ on Facebook. 

Assemblies in Term 1

Our Assemblies will begin in Week 6. Please note the upcoming Assembly schedule and feel welcome to join us in the hall at 9am as the following hosts share their learning.

Assembly Hosts this term will be:

Week 6: Seniors (6 Bakewell)

Week 7: 2 Huxtable

Week 8: 5 Harris

Week 9: No Assembly- Good Friday

Week 10: 4 Maglio

Week 11: No Assembly- Pupil Free Day

2024 Class Carers 

We are looking for parents/caregivers who would like to be a Class Carer for 2024. 


A Class Carer is someone who supports their child’s classroom teacher along with the other Class Carer to support classes, families and events. They help to connect families, provide a listening ear and sometimes gifts to celebrate special occasions or organise stay and play afternoons for children or family or parent social events.


If you are interested in being a Class Carer this year or wish to find out further information, please email 

School Volunteers

We are excited to welcome back our volunteers this year and would love to invite any new or interested volunteers to become a registered volunteer with us here at school. If you wish to be a registered volunteer, to help out at excursions, camps or helping out for reading or school events, you can speak with someone in our admin team and a pack can be emailed or sent home with your child. All registered volunteers require a valid WWCC clearance and need to complete both the Valuing Safe Communities training and RRHAN-EC fundamentals course. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Bec Mattner