RE & Parish News

What's happening in Religious Education and our Parish life...


The Reconciliation Program has begun with the Parent Formation evenings over the past couple of weeks. Well done to the parents that came along to these meetings! It was great to share in this experience and learn from the discussion.


We move into the next part of the program with the Parent/Child Workshops coming up next week - 27th and 28th Feb - 6:45pm. If you are taking part in the program, be sure to bring your child along to this event! And only to one of these nights - the second night is a repeat of the first to cater for the numbers attending.

Project Compassion

Learn more about Project Compassion here.


Project Compassion has begun and will run through the season of Lent (February 14 - March 31st). This year, we are asking for families and friends to donate via the online platform, rather than the coin boxes. This will save a lot of administrative work and money handling.


If you can donate, or maybe your friends and family can donate, please use the QR code or the link to take you straight to the online platform for our school.

We’ve only had one donation so far, so it’s looking a little sad at the moment…don’t wait till the end of the term as we’d like to see the progress bar move steadily throughout Lent!