School Events

What's happening around the school this term?

Open Afternoon - What a great turnout

It was wonderful to see so many families on site on Thursday evening. Teachers reported wonderful feedback and some interesting questions.  If you were unable to make it and would like a copy of the presentation for child's class please email the class teacher and ask for one.

Finding Out More
Finding Out More

What's coming up this term?

Whole School Events

Thursday 14th March - Project Compassion Casual Clothes Day for Students
Friday 15th March - School Photos (MOVED TO JUNE - details to follow)
Wednesday 20th March - School Photos - Siblings (MOVED TO JUNE - details to follow)
Thursday 21st March - Harmony Day - Wear a Touch of Orange 
Friday 22nd March - Ride to School Day for Students
Wednesday 27th March- Student, Parent and Teacher Interviews - 3:45 - 8:45 pm.
Wednesday 27th March- Students’ Last Day of Term 1
Thursday 28th March - Pupil Free Day - Professional Learning for Staff. OSHC available for families.
Monday 15th April - Students’ First Day of Term 2.

What's happening soon?