Principal's Message

with Ms Reynolds

So settled, so quickly!

Today was Day 19 for students this year! In just 19 days students across our school - from Kindies to Year 6 - have settled into routines and norms for learning. 

Kindy painting Rainbow Fish, from the story.
Kindy painting Rainbow Fish, from the story.

They say it takes 21 times to build a habit - and our students are certainly building habits of learning. As I visit each class in our school I am noticing the way students understand their job in the lesson; are showing grit and focus in trying new things; and are able to work with other students. I know our teachers have been working hard to focus on the habits that create productive and happy classrooms and I'm proud of the work they've put in.

Wishes of prosperity from the Lion Dance!

This week at assembly we arranged for a special performance  from the Lion Dance Kids company. They were amazing!!

Three musicians and 2 guys in the Lion performing a traditional Lion Dance to celebrate the Year of the Dragon and wish us good health and prosperity for the year! Their acrobatic skills were amazing. It was loud - but kids enjoyed it. What a way to share cultural traditions and welcome in 2024!

Showcasing Inquiry!

Last Friday we hosted visitors from our SVA  Connection - teachers and principals from across NSW (some down from Mudgee) as well as colleagues who fly up from Melbourne. They were here to see our work on Inquiry Learning. They chatted to students about their learning and visited Stage 1 Learning Centres, Stage 2's CTC and Stage 3's Grapple. Here's what stood out to them:

Mrs Delvecchio shared out journey of Inquiry from 2013 to now. And Mrs Mellish & Mrs Faghani supported students from Year 3-6 to talk to our visitors about what sort of hard thinking they do in Inquiry, and then students toured the visitors around. There was such great positive feedback about our school and our students. You would've all been so proud!

So - what is our great Inquiry Program???

Here is a picture of our 1-page summary. You might see some of these posters around out school. Click on the blue headings to see what the QR codes lead to.

Click on the blue headings to see what the QR codes lead to:

And in pre-school news...

GEPS has been chosen as one of the100 new preschools sites to be built by 2027! Exciting news for us and our community. Stay tuned, as I'm sure more will be revealed in the coming months.