
Students Of The Week ~ Term 1 Week 5 ~ 6
for Attitude, Values and Study Habits
K-2 ~ Georgie Rodstrom (Yr 2)
for up-levelling her sentences using descriptive language.
K-2 ~ Max Broadhead (Kinder)
for outstanding work in Mathematics.
Yr 3-6 ~ Ellie Rodstrom (Yr 4)
for approaching all school tasks with a positive attitude.
Yr 3-6 ~ Grace Groves (Yr 6)
for using efficient mental Maths strategies in Whole Number.
Goals for Living Well Learning Well
We are Safe, We are Valued, Respected and Cared For, We are Learners
Recipients for Week 5 ~ 6
'We are Learners'
Archer Bates (Yr 2)
A positive approach to his learning tasks.
Samuel Broadhead (Yr 3)
A positive approach to his learning tasks and taking on feedback.
At last week's assembly, the K-6 performed the song 'Lighthouse,' and some students from Years 3-6 shared their research about LENT and its origin.