St James Executive Leadership 

Principal and Deputy Principal News 

Principal News

Dear Parents and Carers,


As we near the end of this week, thoughts turn to the exciting activities planned for the next three weeks at St James School. Firstly, I want to acknowledge the significance of International Women's Day and the remarkable contributions of women globally. Additionally, I'm thrilled to share that our school tours are in full swing, with new tour dates recently announced.  As we progress through Lent, let's embrace this period of personal reflection and spiritual growth through practices like prayer, fasting, and giving. It's a time for deepening our connection with ourselves and our faith.


Looking ahead, we have a long weekend approaching, with Labour Day falling on Monday, March 11th. There will be no school for students on this day, providing a perfect opportunity to unwind and spend quality time with loved ones.


Thank you for your continued support and engagement in the St James School community.


Women in Leadership - International Women's Day


Yesterday Georgia, Emma and I were invited to attend the ‘Women in Leadership’ breakfast at CLC.   Over 150 leaders from both Secondary and Primary as well as MACS staff gathered in prayer and listened to a keynote address by Patricia Faulkner AO.  This was not a female exclusive event.  The purpose was to acknowledge the work done by so many leaders and to build awareness about the imbalance that is still prevalent in so many sectors, not just education.  MACS undertook a research project “Women in Leadership ‘ and launched the report and key recommendations at the breakfast.  It was a great opportunity to enter into dialogue with otters and identify and discuss what we believe to be priority areas for the recommendations provided. 

For example:  Recommendation 3

That MACS increases the visibility and representation of women in leadership via:

Expansion of informal coaching and mentoring initiatives and programs.

Initiation of executive leadership coaching opportunities through on the job experiences for aspiring leaders


As we approach International Women's Day on March 8th, we take great pride in celebrating the achievements, contributions, and resilience of women around the world. At St James, we recognize the importance of this day in empowering girls and women to pursue their dreams and aspirations. Let us join together in honoring the remarkable women in our lives and in our global community as we continue to strive for equality and empowerment for all. Staff have been invited to wear a touch of purple to acknowledge this day.


Staff First Aid Training


On Monday evening, our dedicated staff convened to renew our First Aid and CPR certifications. After completing the requisite online modules, we engaged in hands on training sessions. Through various scenarios, we applied our knowledge and skills, ensuring that we are well prepared to handle emergencies and provide crucial assistance when needed. This proactive approach reaffirms our commitment to maintaining a safe and secure environment for the St James School community.


Canberra Trip 2024 - Parent Feedback


As we reflect on the recent 5/6 trip to Canberra, we are eager to gather your valuable insights and feedback. Your perspective is invaluable in helping us continuously improve and enhance the educational experiences we provide for our students.

Enclosed in this newsletter are a series of feedback questions designed to capture your thoughts and observations regarding the trip. Your honest feedback will help us understand what worked well and areas where we can make enhancements for future excursions.

We understand the importance of these educational trips in shaping our students' understanding of history, government, and culture. Your input will enable us to ensure that such experiences are enriching, safe, and aligned with our educational objectives.


We encourage you to take a few moments to share your thoughts with us. Your feedback will guide our future planning and ensure that we continue to offer meaningful learning opportunities for our students. An Operoo with the following questions will be shared with families in year 5 and 6 in the coming days.  Thank you in advance for the feedback provided.


Canberra Trip Feedback Parent Questions

  • How well do you feel the trip to Canberra met the educational objectives set for your child?
  • Did your child express enthusiasm and engagement with the activities and sites visited during the trip?
  • Were you satisfied with the communication and organisation of the trip by the school staff?
  • Did the trip provide valuable learning experiences that you believe will benefit your child's education?
  • Were there any concerns or areas for improvement regarding the logistics, safety, or content of the trip?
  • How did your child describe their overall experience during the trip to Canberra?
  • Did the trip enhance your child's understanding of Australian history, government, and culture?
  • Do you have any suggestions for future trips or activities that could complement the educational goals of such excursions?
  • Did your child feel adequately supported and supervised by the accompanying teachers and staff during the trip?
  • Overall, how would you rate the educational value and impact of the trip to Canberra on your child?

Drop Off / Pick Up Zones


Our drop off and pick up areas will remain in place. St James and Osbourne Close will be kiss and go areas for drop off and a quick pick up at school dismissal. However, we now ask that you park within the bays allocated in St James Close and supervise your children entering the school grounds.  Please be aware that this parking is a 2min parking zone. There is ample parking on North Road if you wish to enter the school at drop off and pick up times. Please be mindful of our neighbours when parking. 


I am aware that a number of families have expressed safety concerns with the current situation in dropping off and picking up in St James Close.  Some of you may be aware that parents have received parking infringements for dropping off students in St James Close and not adhering to the signage.  I am well aware of these concerns and can assure you that I am actively working on a solution.


School Marketing 2024 / 2025

A friendly reminder that if you would like to enrol your child into Prep 2025 please let the school know and we will then send you an enrolment form.  


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the school directly on ph 03 9596-4766 or via email:


Thanks in advance!



  COVID Safe Protocols

St James Catholic Primary School (School Portal) 

Please click here to access the School Portal



Social Media - Please follow, like and share our school Facebook, Twitter and Instagram Feeds. 

School Website:

Twitter:  St James Catholic Primary School, 3186

Instagram:  stjamesbrighton3186

Facebook: @stjamesbrighton3186


Please stay safe and healthy.


Carmelina Corio



Deputy Principal News

Hello Everyone, 


Please see below upcoming key dates for the remainder of Term 1. 


Today we held our annual school photos. It is always lovely to see the students coming to school well groomed on this day armed with big smiles. We particularly love watching the sibling photos take place. 




Please also see here a list of Key Dates for Term 1:

Friday 8th March - School Assembly #2 2.45-3.30pm

"                                - Beachside Swimming competition-selected students only

Monday 11th March - Labour Day Holiday

Wednesday 13th March - Reconciliation Evening 5.30-6.30pm

"                                             - Naplan -testing window opens

Thursday 14th March - PA meeting #2 7.30pm

Monday 18th March Friday 22nd March - Neurodiversity Week

“             18th March-Thursday 21st March- Bodyworks program Years 4-6 only

Thursday 21st March - Palm Sunday Paraliturgy 3.15pm

 "                                       - Harmony Day

"                                        - School Assembly #3

Friday 22nd March - Staff Planning Day for Term 2. School Closure Day

Friday 22nd March - Sunday 24th March - Dad’s Camp

Monday 25th March - Holy Thursday Paraliturgy 3.10pm

“                                      - School Tours

Tuesday 26th March - St James House Athletics Carnival

Wednesday 27th March - Good Friday Paraliturgy 3.10pm

Thursday 28th March - End of Term 1 3.30pm


Emma Herbert and Georgia McNamara

Deputy Principals