PFA Afternoon Tea
The PFA would like to invite all parents to a welcoming afternoon tea on Wednesday 28th of February at 3pm in the staffroom. This is just a chance to chat with other parents and find out what the PFA is all about.
The PFA is an integral part of the school community and a great way to meet other parents. The funds raised by the PFA help support school projects, teachers and students.
PFA AGM(Annual General Meeting) and Meeting
Parents who are interested in joining the PFA are invited to attend the Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 5th of March at 7:30pm in the staffroom. The PFA is where all parents have a chance to share ideas about fundraisers and ways to benefit our children and our school.
Currently, the PFA is struggling due to low volunteers. Without volunteers, the PFA for 2024 may not continue.
We need your assistance to raise funds and improve your school.
At the AGM all PFA committee positions will be vacant. To have a functioning PFA the four executive positions must be filled plus an additional five (5) general committee positions.
PFA nomination forms must be completed and presented at the AGM. If you have any questions regarding the PFA please email
Executive Positions Vacant:
- President
- Vice President
- Treasurer
- Secretary
The current PFA look forward to meeting you all and are excited to see what the PFA can achieve in 2024
PFA nomination forms will be available at the afternoon tea and at the meeting.