Grade 1

In Grade 1 over the last few weeks, we have had a fantastic start to the year with all students settling in fabulously in their respective classes. It has been wonderful to see the students becoming increasingly independent, entering the classrooms by themselves and creating new friendships with not only students in their class, but across the cohort. We have really enjoyed getting to know each of our lovely students and also connecting with families with our recent interviews. Students also enjoyed attending our Cyber Safety incursion where they engaged in many activities that shared ways we can switch off and take time away from our devices. We are extremely excited about the year ahead and working alongside our awesome Grade 1 families!
The Grade 1 students have started off their mathematical journey by discussing a number of ways in which they can be successful ‘mathematicians’ within the classroom. From here, students have had opportunities to immerse themselves in a variety of learning tasks focused on reinforcing their familiarity with our number system. This has included experimenting with the concrete math tools that we have in our classrooms such as: bead frames, number charts, unifix cubes, icy pole sticks, tens frames and many more. A highlight for many of our students has been spending time learning how to play new math games in a fair and responsible manner.
Students have been busily immersed in the 21 Days of Reading and Writing Workshop, which is a whole-school initiative of using the start of the year to build a community of readers and writers. Each classroom has been focused on setting expectations and habits for being good readers and writers. This has included picking ‘good fit’ books, creating a conducive environment for writing and emphasising the importance of whole-body listening. Students have been enjoying reading an assortment of books and learning to respond to those texts through reflective journal writing and crafts.
Setting Up For Success:
Over the last few weeks, we have been focussing on getting to know our students’ interests, strengthening and forming new bonds with them and establishing a classroom environment conducive for learning and joy. This has included many circle time activities and discussions, focused on creating an empowering learning environment. Students have also enjoyed undertaking tasks reflecting on their transition into Grade 1, explorations on the qualities of being a good friend and opportunities to celebrate the individual strengths and differences of the students in each of our classes. We are very pleased with the start that all Grade 1 students have made so far and look forward to the remainder of Term 1!
The Grade 1 team