Principal Report

Oatlands from My Point of View
We have enjoyed an extremely strong beginning to the new school year. It has been wonderful to see so many smiling faces. The start to any school year is such an important period of time for re-establishing friendships and developing new ones, while adjusting to the increase in expectations as our students progress through the year levels. Pleasingly, attendance has been very high and everyone seems refreshed and ready for the year ahead.
Setting Up For Success
Every grade at Oatlands has been working together to establish a strong classroom culture based on the Oatlands’ values. Students have been learning through activities aimed to establish routines, work habits, positive mindset, rules and values, creating inclusive environments where all students can thrive.
Swimming Carnival
Well done to the Grade 4, 5 & 6 students, who participated in our annual swimming carnival. The competition was excellent in all races and the students conducted themselves exceptionally well, displaying terrific sportsmanship. Having fun on the waterslide after the races was once again a major highlight of the day. All the best to the students who qualified to represent Oatlands at district level. Thank you to our P.E. Team, Sarah James, Kara Ellis and Martine Carmichael for organising a very well-run event. Thank you also to the Oatlands staff who helped in a variety of roles on the day.
Getting To Know Your Child Meetings
Last week most of our teachers have held Getting to Know Your Child meetings with families. These meetings provide a great opportunity to establish open lines of communication and for the sharing of key information that is vital for a successful year.
Looking Forward
The first of our Grade 6 camps is currently underway down at Wilson’s Prom. Camp 2 is next week. Camping in tents, hiking, swimming, surfing, competing in a trivia quiz, watching a movie and performing in a talent show all add up to this camp being an unforgettable experience for our Grade 6 students. Later in the term our Grade 5 students will head down to Camp Rumbug. This camp offers a wide range of activities such as, canoeing, giant swing, flying fox and the ropes course. We have NAPLAN testing for our Grade 3 & 5 students later in the term.
Matthew Kenny – Assistant Principal