Dates For Your Diary

Term 1 


1 House Cross Country

4 Foundation Start Full-Time

4 Assembly 2.45pm

6 School Advisory Committee & AGM @ 6.30pm

7 District Cross Country

8/9 Enrolment Masses for Reconciliation

13-15 5/6 Portsea Camp

13 Preparation Evening Reconciliation 6.30pm in the church

18 Assembly 2.45pm

25 School Tour for Prospective 2025 Foundation Parents

27 School Tour for Prospective 2025 Foundation Parents

28 End of Term 1 

Term 2


15 Term 2 Begins

15 Alleluia Day & Easter Bonnet Parade

17 School Photo Day

19 District Track

22 Assembly 2.45pm

24 Anzac Day Liturgy 3pm

30 District Field



6  Assembly 2.45pm

7 Mother's Day Morning Celebration

18 Reconciliation Celebration 11am

20 Year 3-6 Swimming

20 Assembly 2.45pm



3 Assembly 2.45pm

6 School Closure Day - RE

7 School Closure Day - Wellbeing

17 Assembly 2.45pm

19 Italian Day

26 Parent Teacher Interviews 3.40-5.40pm

27 Student's Finish Early at 1pm

27 Parent Teacher Interviews 1.10-5.40pm

28 End of Term 2

Term 3


15 Term 3 Begins

22 Assembly 2.45pm

26 St Anne & St Joachim's Feast Day

26 Grandparent's Day



9 Father's Day Celebration



2 Assembly 2.45pm

16 Assembly 2.45pm

19 Footy Day

19 End of Term 3

Term 4


7 Term 4 Begins

7 World Teacher's Day

15 Lightning Premiership

28 Assembly 2.45pm



4 School Closure Day - Report Writing

5 Public Holiday - No School

11 Assembly 2.45pm

12 Foundation Orientation 1

19 Market Day

22 Foundation Orientation 2

25 Assembly 2.45pm

26 Foundation Orientation 3




3 Foundation Orientation 4

4 Christmas Concert 6.30pm

6 Class Transition 12.10-1.50pm 

9 Class Transition 12.10-1.50pm

9 Assembly 2.45pm

12 Year6 Graduation

13 Whole School Mass

13 Awards Ceremony @ 2.30pm

16 Last Day for Year 6

16 Year 6 Big Day Out

16 Report go out

17 Students finish 1pm