Level 2: Connect

Don't forget, students must wear a hat each day in Term 1! Slip, slop, slap!
Happy Week 6 + 7! The weeks are flying by and the Level 2 teachers have been so impressed by all of the hard work shown by students so far this term.
Reminder: Term 1 Homework
This term, students will have access to Mathletics, Literacy Planet and Wushka which will allow them to continue consolidating their learnings while at home. The logins for these will be provided by your child's classroom teacher and will be available for you to access any time.
Looking ahead...
Writing and Reading
Over the next couple of weeks, we will be exploring some of the 6+1 traits of writing. With a particular focus on Ideas, Sentence Fluency, Word Choice and Voice. We will be exploring each of the writing traits through the mentor texts The Water Princess and Norton and the Bear.
The Water Princess is based on supermodel Georgie Badiel’s childhood, a young girl dreams of bringing clean drinking water to her African village. With its wide sky and warm earth, Princess Gie Gie’s kingdom is a beautiful land. But clean drinking water is scarce in her small African village. This book lends itself to great conversations at home about having gratitude for all the things we take for granted.
Norton and the Bear
Follow Norton as he attempts to avoid a bear who begins to copy his appearance.A hilarious read-aloud picture book about individuality and the power of embracing yourselfand others.
This fortnight we will be focussing on the soft /c/ as in pounce and soft /g/ as in charge and the digraphs /kn/ knife and /ir/ as bird.
The students are also exploring suffixes when reading, writing and spelling. They are enjoying learning and experimenting with the ‘rules’ when adding suffixes to base words.
The level 2's have been learning all about Place Value, through the skills of renaming and using the House System, which is a great scaffold to help students read and write large numbers. Student will continue to strengthen their place value knowledge over the next fortnight - and start to explore reading the time, particularly analogue clocks! Students will continue to learn about rounding to the nearest 10, 100 & 100 as well!
To help support students at home, it would be beneficial if students practice doubling the numbers from 1-9, at least five times for each number. This is an important skill for students to nurture.
For example:
1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 etc.
2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 etc.
3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 96 etc.
Also, plenty of discussions about how analogue clocks work and completing Mathletics tasks regularly throughout the school week.
We are now well into our first Inquiry unit of the year 'History'. Students are looking into how they, their family and their community celebrate events that are important to us. We are also looking at the history of our school and the significance of how both SEPS and being a primary school student have changed over the years. The students will be completing a homework activity this week where they need to interview a family member to find out how school and being a student has changed over time. We hope you all enjoy this activity!