Specialist Happenings

Performing Arts
It's music time for the level 3 students this term, as they do their best to drown out the sounds of demolition and construction, with heavy beats and pulsing rhythms of their own devising.
After starting out the term using body percussion to reproduce popular songs with themselves as the instruments, the students are now producing their own collaborative improvisations with djembe, maracas and tambourines.
Mr Scherpenhuizen
Visual Art
So much fun in the art room!
There has been great excitement in completing works that relate to Alice in wonderland.
The theme allows for connections to creativity and imagination resulting in some simply outstanding work.
After a brief introduction to the book and cartoon we explored themes and ideas following on with their individual creations. Each student interpreted the theme in their own way and using their chosen creative medium. The emphasis was put on how you connect to the story, and how would you represent it in an image?
Moving forward we will be exploring some indigenous artwork, techniques and themes with a focus on reconciliation.
Live Creative,
Jo Hemmings
Our Level 1and 2 were learning about numbers. They were learning how to count from 1-10 and write them in Chinese characters. They all have demonstrated amazing handwriting skill and should be proud of their achievement!
Level 3 were learning how to tell the age and use the correct pronounce (he/she/I). Students were practicing writing the numbers and sentence in Mandarin.
Level 4 were learning how to tell the age, year level and use the correct pronounce (he/she/I). Students were given a profile; they then use the information to write about the person in Mandarin.
Physical Education
Foundation - Level 2
Our F-2 students have enjoyed their first week of Gymnastics with Luke from Melbourne Tumbling Academy. We are fortunate to have Luke with us over the next four weeks thanks to our Sporting Schools Victoria term Grant. For their first week, students focussed on safely performing Gymnastics movements including forward rolls, jumping, balancing, and rolling. The students enjoyed their lessons and are looking forward to the next three weeks with Luke.
Level 3 - 6
During our level 3 – 6 PE classes we have begun a focus on Net and Wall skills through modified games of Tennis, Badminton, Volleyball and Newcombe. Students have been learning the objectives of a net/wall game and practising reading and reacting to the movement of the ball to score a point. It has been great to watch the student's determination to practice and improve their skills such as a forward arm strike.