SEPS Creative Communities

Students have been introduced to their Creative Communities for the year. Students have been allocated a “community” with other students who are in the same House (Waratah, Esperance, Eucalyptus or Wattle). Each community is multi-age from Foundation to Lvl 6.
These creative communities gather on Friday afternoons, once a fortnight (on even weeks). Parents, be mindful that on these afternoons your child will be dismissed from a different classroom. Please make sure you have a designated meeting spot.
We have had 2 sessions so far and the new connections that have been happening between students from different ages has been heartwarming. Teachers have overheard conversations such as :
"I always watch you at recess playing basketball. You're really good!" - Level 1 student
"We can play basketball together at recess sometime if you'd like?" - Level 6 student
- Level 1 student's reaction!
We have also heard a lot of conversations like this one...
"You may not know this building very well, but I do. Come with me. I can show you where the toilets are! "
As you can imagine, there was also lots of chitter chatter about Taylor Swift among students over the last fortnight! Children sharing what their favourite songs were, what friendship bracelet they would like to make next... the list went on! Thanks Tay Tay for being common ground for so many people.
Check out some of the Creative Community banners made last week...