Health & Wellbeing

Separation Anxiety
Is your child experiencing anxiety when separated from their family? Here is a Factsheet that may help you:
For more information visit
Johnathan Patasos,
Mental Health & Wellbeing Coordinator
Disability Inclusion Funding Model
From the 1st March 2024 our school will begin introducing some changes to help us strengthen support for students with disability.
Disability Inclusion will help our school better understand what our students need to help them learn and participate at school. It involves:
· a new Disability Inclusion Profile and school funding model to strengthen support for students with disability
· more resources, training and coaching for our teachers and school staff about the best ways to support students with disability.
From the 1st March 2024, the Disability Inclusion Profile will be available to help us identify the strengths, needs, and educational adjustments we can make to assist students with disability and additional learning needs.
The Disability Inclusion Profile replaces the Program for Students with Disabilities (PSD) application process.
Over the coming years, we will invite families of students who are currently part of the PSD, and other students with disability and additional learning needs, to participate in a meeting to complete a Disability Inclusion Profile.
We will use new school funding and supports for more training and professional development for teachers and school staff, expert advice about disability, teachers and other staff to help plan and deliver changes for students, and resources to support learning.
The new Disability Inclusion approach ensures our school is better able to support students with disability and additional learning needs.
Epping Views Primary School is excited to be part of Disability Inclusion and we look forward to continuing to support our students to learn and thrive.
Angela Conversano,
Wellbeing Assistant Principal