Over the past few weeks in Art, students have been focusing on the theme of Street Art and Pop Art. Classes have been working their way through projects and producing some amazing pieces of art.
F/1/2 students have been creating Pop Art Hands, by tracing handprints and painting the inside and outside of the handprints in contrasting watercolour paints. Black handprints have been placed over the top to add some detail.
The Grade 3/4 class have been learning about Onomatopoeia words and creating an artwork based on a chosen word. Onomatopoeia words are the formation of a word from a sound associated with what is named (e.g. cuckoo, sizzle ). Students moved through a process of selecting the word, drawing the word and adding the theme to it and then cutting the word out and adding to a background. These artworks look amazing!
Students in Grade 5/6 have been looking at graffiti and examples of illegal and legal artworks. Students have grasped the concepts of both examples and have produced their names in graffiti form, with a brick background. The detail that students have added is fantastic! |
Our theme for Science this term is Physical Science. Classes have explored how objects move with forces, how heat can affect the shape of objects and the elements of light.
The Grade 3/4 class completed an experiment where they tested different materials to see which one melted butter the quickest - the metal spoon was by far the quickest at melting the butter!
5/6 students created their own rainbows using a mirror, water and a torch, whilst learning about the term refraction. Give this experiment a go at home!
F/1/2 students have been learning about how to change the shape of objects by using forces. They have also investigated different animals that can change shapes for specific reasons (pufferfish). |