Senior Classroom News

Grade 5/6 News
Over the last two weeks, the Gr 5 / 6 have been working hard to improve their learning.
In RE, we have been covering a unit called Living Our Mission During which we looked at the life of a refugee and Jesus’ life while on earth and compared it to our own. We have studied the Catholic Social Teaching Principles and made a Twitter Feed, stating how we can become better people by living a Christian life.
In English, the students have been working on their Narrative and Persuasive writing. The students are working hard with the Sound Waves program to improve their spelling. Last week the students researched grapheme d and this week is grapheme i.
In Maths, we have been learning more about addition - looking for quick ways to do so and connecting it to the inverse operation of subtraction. This has included decimals.
During Cross Curriculum lessons we have been researching the unit of Local Government. The students have started to think about what they will choose for their ERP - with the theme: The Communities I Belong To. The next ERP expo will most likely be in the last week of term - the date and time is yet to be decided.
Amongst all of this, we have been practising and using past Naplan tests to prepare the Gr 5's while the Gr 6's it was good revision.
Last Friday the Gr 6 and F/1/2’s enjoyed each other's company doing getting to know you activities during Buddy Time.
Kylie Smith from the CES took charge of leading the retreat for the G6 students, providing them with a valuable opportunity to pause and slow down. With the enthusiastic participation of both Kylie and the students, we were able to create an environment that encouraged deeper exploration, particularly focusing on the theme of "Leading with Love" to cultivate leadership qualities among the students through meditation and mindfulness practices. They enjoyed the hot lunch of freshly cooked chips and sauce.
Next week on Friday 22nd March at 9 am Gr 5/6’s are reenacting Palm Sunday and Holy Thursday (The Last Supper). We would love to share this reenactment with you - weather permitting - in the old assembly space just outside the staffroom. We hope you can come.