Junior Classroom News

F/1/2 News
The F/1/2 class have been having a great two weeks building friendships.
Over the past few weeks, we have had lots of learning and fun.
In Maths, we have been learning about position and movement. We have been focusing on giving and following directions. Some of the favourite lessons were giving instructions using the grid taped on the floor and creating a map to match the story "We're going on a bear hunt”.
In English, the Foundations have been continuing to work on blending three sound words to read. The Grade 1/2s have been continuing to develop more complex sound patterns and have been engaging their prediction skills about texts, using the front cover and blurb as evidence. We will be continuing this focus for the rest of the term.
In writing, we have been learning how to uplevel our sentences by adding extra details through a when and where.
In Subject Focus, we have been learning about weather. The students have used weather apps to look up the weather in different places. One of the students' favourite comparisons was to look at the weather in Rushworth and in Sweden. They were very surprised to hear how cold it is there when it is hot here.
In Religion, we are finishing up our learning about “Called to live like Jesus”. The students have been engaging in discussions about when to help other people and that we need to show kindness. An interesting point of discussion has been about when we cannot help people, and that we need to make sure that we are safe when helping. This was then linked back to the Grade 1/2 learning about DRSABCD at the St John’s Ambulance session last year.
In sport and Bluearth, the students have been working on learning the skills required for the Athletics events. The students are becoming quite adept at long jump, vortex throw (junior years alternative to shot put and discuss), hurdles and running races.
In the coming weeks, we have a lot of learning and events planned.
This Friday (15th March), the students will be engaging in a virtual incursion that will focus on friendship, called Eddie’s Lil’ homies.
Next week is Harmony Week, where the students will celebrate Australia’s multiculturalism and link in nicely with the themes covered in the Religion unit that we will be finishing.
Coming up on Monday 25th March, we have our Interschool Athletics Carnival. This is a great opportunity for all students to show their athletics skills that they have been developing. If you could practise the hop, skip and jump of triple jump at home, it would be greatly appreciated. If you have not yet completed the permission form on SIMON Everywhere, please do so. If you have any concerns or questions about the athletics carnival, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Parry.
In Maths, we are starting to learn about time. We will be focusing on the duration of events, and ordering events based on time of day, week and year. Our base learning outcomes across all three year levels will be:
- Students can directly and indirectly compare events by duration.
- Students can order the days of the week and months of the year.
- Students can read a calendar.
You can support your child/ren in this area by talking about what day it is, reading the family calendar, and comparing how long things take.
In Subject Focus, we are continuing to focus on weather. Our core aim for the next two weeks is:
- Students can explain why it is important to predict weather.
You can support your child/ren in this area by talking about the weather for that day and how it influences the clothes that they wear and the activities they will participate in.
3/4 News
This fortnight in the grade 3/4 room we have been looking at addition and subtraction. I have been very impressed by students' ability to carry and borrow when adding and subtracting.
We have made some 'Mc Take Away' chips with subtraction problems on each chip which turned out great.
In literacy we have been looking at visualising. We all got to close our eyes as we listened to a descriptive passage of writing. After this we used the images from our imagination to draw the scene in our head. These were all very creative and showed how we can visualise things differently.
In literacy we have also been looking at persuasive writing. First we drew an ugly sweater each and then made a persuasive piece that connects to the sweater stating why their sweater was the ugliest. Once we knew how to write a persuasive writing piece we then had to write another persuasive piece to our classroom chairs that had decided to quit!
Our writing pieces were very convincing and the chairs have returned... For now!