Learning Diversity








PSG Meetings are being held in Week 8 and Week 9 of this term. Emails will be sent out to those who are required to book in a meeting. Bookings will be under the Parent Teacher Interviews section on Simon Everywhere. 


Any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Katherine (kjamieson@smrushworth.catholic.edu.au). 



These are the Specialist subjects that students have over the week - they are thoroughly enjoying the range of subjects, especially the new Performing Arts and STEAM subjects!



Specialist timetable


  • Performing Arts with Ms Parry
  • Science with Mrs Jamieson



Auslan with Tim



  • Bluearth (with Darby or Class Teacher)
  • Art with Mrs Jamieson
  • Resilience Project/Respectful Relationships with Mrs Barlow
  • STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Maths) with Mr Kerrins