Principals Message

NAPLAN will run this term for Years 3 and 5 and will commence tomorrow. The testing window is Wednesday 13 - Monday 21 March. The students will sit Writing and Reading this week and then Conventions of language (Spelling, punctuation and grammar) on Monday and Wednesday next week. Catch up sessions for students absent will occur throughout the testing window.
We wish the students all the very best and, all we ask, is that they give it their best crack. I remind families that NAPLAN can be a stressful time for the children and to support and encourage the kids as you always do.
Please find the NAPLAN information sheet within the newsletter.
Through discussions with the School Advisory Council and the staff consultative committee, we have made the decision to reduce the frequency of our assemblies as of next term. Our assemblies will run fortnightly and will be held on the alternate week to our newsletter. The aim of the reduction in assemblies is to allow us to form a Student Representative Council to further promote student voice within the school - It will also give back some time for class instruction.
During the SRC week, our Year 6 students will present an update to each of the classes and provide some time for students to raise any concerns or celebrations that they would like shared with teachers and myself.
Year 5/6 Camp
At the beginning of the term, I spoke with St Josephs in Nagambie who informed me that they would unfortunately not be in a position to share Year 5/6 Doxa camp with us and that the only booking that we could get would be the last three days of Term 4. This was a difficult decision for their school and we completely understand them having to make it.
I am currently working with camps and another school to ensure that our Year 5/6 students are able to take part in a memorable and fun camp this year. I am awaiting a call this week to confirm and will be in contact with Year 5/6 families when I can. Thank you for your understanding.
Year 3/4 camp will go ahead as planned later in the year.
PSG - Parent Support Group meetings
Our termly PSG’s will begin next week and flow into the following week. These meetings are integral for our learners who are on a Personalised Learning Plan to assist them in accessing the curriculum. Families who require a PSG will receive information for booking this week.
Foundation full week
This week is the first week that our new foundation students will attend on Wednesday. The children have done an amazing job in settling into the rigors and routines of school and we look forward to having them here full time. I am sure that they will come home next Friday very tired having completed their first full week at school.
Parents and Friends Annual General Meeting
Last Friday, our P and F held their 2024 AGM. I am incredibly proud of such a strong group of parents who volunteer to do their part to allow our school to have lots of great opportunities. I would like to congratulate Katrina for being voted for President, Brittney as Vice President, Melissa as Secretary and Sarah as Treasurer. Thank you.
Congratulations to Heath and Thomas Ogden who won their D grade cricket Grand Final on the weekend. On the day, Heath bowled 4 overs and took 2/7. This impressive spell was made all the more special as he was playing alongside his Grandfather, Peter Raglus (Who made 43 runs). Another special moment was the shield they were playing for is named after Peter. Thomas filled in throughout the year and was also presented with a medallion. Well done.
SIMON Everywhere
SIMON everywhere is our primary source for parent communication, so please
Ensure that you turn on notifications to be up to date with all of the happenings of our school. We also have our Facebook page which is very active.
Thank you and please do not hesitate to book a time to come and see me if you have any queries or concerns.
Vin Ryan