Secondary Sub School Rooms 19 - 27

Ashley Stace - Secondary Sub school Leader


Hello everyone,


With assessment still ongoing and SSG`s being conducted, teachers are still getting to know all the students and what their ‘personal best’ work looks like. 

I can see the difference in how our Secondary students play, socialise and communicate with one another in comparison to Middle and Primary. Suddenly the Secondary Breezeway is the most popular choice for playground times. Walking and talking becoming the preferred way to interact during playground times. 

Art has started the year on fire. Students are loving the Art lessons, and I can see lots of great pieces of artwork in each classroom. 

Work experience, SBAT and Vet classes are all underway. A highlight has been seeing Room 23 success with Helen during Hands On Learning in the kitchen. 

We have a couple of excursions taking place next fortnight. So, in the next newsletter edition we will have lots of excursion photos.

Kind regards,


Ash Stace

Room 20

Room 20 has settled into the new year with flying colours. Students have created new friendships and adjusted to life in the secondary sub school and have shown maturity and growth. Room 20 love combining with Room 21 for social games and group activities. They are very excited about the combined excursions planned for this term. The students have absolutely loved making their volcanoes and being creative with their design. We look forward to a very exciting and fun year.