Middle Sub-School News 

Sarah Hill - Middle Sub School Leader

             Four weeks of JSA for 2024. Who knew?!

I hope you’ve taken the opportunity to get to know your child’s classroom team- whether this be in person, on the phone, via the communication book or on Seesaw. We are extremely lucky to have a wonderful staff who support students day in and day out. If not, be sure to introduce yourselves! 


Similarly, I hope your children have enjoyed their start to the school year and that they are settling into their new routines and structures, new classrooms and getting to know new students and staff. It takes time, as we know, but from what I’ve seen, students have made a wonderful start. 


We have plenty of exciting times coming up- Harmony Day, House Colours, incursions and come Term 2, excursions! Classroom staff are busy preparing for these, and communication will come out shortly.


Please be mindful that the sunshine is still out! Whilst students remain inside on days where the UV is simply too strong, we are still vigilant in ensuring that students are SunSmart. We would really appreciate your support in continuing to send your child to school with a hat and with sunscreen applied. 


Seesaw continues to be a platform used to share exciting events, student work and as a way for you to communicate with the classroom team. Should you have any trouble accessing this, please reach out to your child’s classroom teacher, as we would hate for you to miss out on all of the magic that is shared via the app. 


Speaking of, assemblies are officially live via Seesaw. We hope you enjoy watching the students engage in presenting to an audience! 


As always, I hope the weeks ahead are kind to you! Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact your child’s classroom teacher, and alternatively contact the office so that you can be directed accordingly. Stay safe and enjoy your Weeks 5 & 6.

Room 11

The students have settled very well into Room 11 and have had a fantastic start to the new school year, learning new skills, making friends and having lots of fun!


This term, we have been excited to explore new mathematical strategies to expand our mental maths knowledge when adding or subtracting two and three digit numbers.  In Literacy, we have thoroughly enjoyed listening to and reading a variety of stories and sharing our thoughts and experiences with our friends.  All of the students have worked hard to develop their reading skills in phonics lessons to become fluent and confident readers.


The students have especially loved participating in our kitchen and garden lessons, in particular when we made pancakes!


Thank you for your continued support!


The Room 11 Team

Michelle, Nikki and Rashani