Primary Sub School Stars of the Week

Room 1

  • Phoebe for listening and following instructions when asked to unpack and pack her bag.
  • Christian for speaking and writing letters and numbers. 

Room 2

  • Pranav and Micah for settling into the classroom and following the school     expectations. 

Room 3

  • Liam for independently walking to the classroom from the bus in the mornings.
  • Aaron  for using his communication skills to say the word ‘help’.

Room 4

  • Marshall has been showing great confidence in accomplishing new skills, such as learning to write his name.  What a star you are, Marshall! Keep up the great work, Marshall!
  • Amel has been showing great listening and waiting skills within the classroom. What a star you are, Amel!  Keep up the great work, Amel!

Room 5

  • River for being doing great listening. 
  • Aarjav working hard during numeracy and literacy.

Room 6

  • Albert for making good choices and choosing to participate in classroom activities.
  • Ahyan for settling well and learning to sit on his chair during morning circle.  

Room 7

  • Rafa for settling in well and engaging in activities.
  • Mikaeel for completing set tasks. 

Room 8

  • Lenny for demonstrating resilience and attending school every day.
  • Ashwath for following classroom routines.

Room 9 

  • Ethan for being a good friend and trying new tasks
  • Aarib for attempting all work tasks