Primary Sub-School News

Rachael Macmillan - Primary Sub School Leader


Two areas of learning that are very engaging for our Primary students are the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden (SAKG) program and the Personal and Social Capabilities program. 


The Personal and Social Capabilities classes are taught by two of our Learning Specialist teachers, Katie and Juri. These lessons where students have opportunities to recognise and express emotions, share their likes and dislikes, learn about taking turns, and much more. 

The SAKG program involves students visiting to the garden to water plants, harvest vegetables and sometimes plant new vegetables. The following week, students use these ingredients to cook in the kitchen. For some students, the best part is eating the food they prepare and cook together. 


Parents can use photos that classroom staff post on Seesaw to reflect on the day's activities and talk about who is in the photo and what's happening. This is a great way to share your child's school experience together.


As the weather is still very warm, please ensure your child has a hat to wear at school each day. If they wear a long sleeve top to school, it is important for students  to wear a T-shirt underneath for when the afternoon becomes warm. 


Our SSG weeks have now concluded, and it was delightful to attend some of the meetings and talk to parents. There are many ways to communicate with your child's teacher. Parents can write a Seesaw message, email or write a message in the student diary. 



Room 2

Room 2 have had a fantastic start to their first year of school and are doing amazing at following the school expectations. They have enjoyed getting to know their classmates and teachers and are already building great friendships. Room 2 enjoy playing in the playground, exploring sensory and fine motor activities, playing with toys in the classroom and are beginning to learn fun and new things. They have been learning how to sit at morning circle, choose their favourite songs to listen to and use a mini schedule to complete their work tasks. Room 2 have been completing hands on learning tasks, such as puzzles, stickers and matching. In Kitchen/Garden, they have enjoyed using their senses to touch, smell and taste new foods.  Room 2 enjoyed their first primary assembly, exploring the OT room and meeting George the dog. The staff in Room 2 are proud of the students’ achievements so far and we are excited for the year ahead and all the things we will be learning and exploring.