Facilities News 

Dr Denise Clarke              Frances Hansen

Capital Works Manager     Facilities Manager

Capital Works

The Yaluk Building is progressing well. All the floorcoverings have been laid but are currently covered for protection until the builders are finished and are ready to do a final clean. 


The strengthening of the roof under the mechanical plant has been undertaken and the air conditioning equipment has been restored. The installation of the benches in the Hospitality kitchen has been delayed as the benches were made 50mm higher than was specified.  They are currently being re-engineered.  The area outside the building is starting to be cleared in preparation for developing garden beds.


Exit from Gym
Exit from Gym



Ramp to Performing Arts Room/Stage
Ramp to Performing Arts Room/Stage




Stage /Performing Arts Room
Stage /Performing Arts Room
Classrooms Corridor
Classrooms Corridor

As part of the Capital Works program there have been 15 electronic locks installed on gates that separate the various zones of the school. Up to now, all previous locks have been unsuccessful so we are hoping these will provide easier transition around the school. The fobs which operate the locks will also be able to operate the electronic locks in the new building.

Facilities  News

The school is contracting to have trees that were identified in the recent arborists report canopies lifted and 1 tree removed during the Term 1 break. Shade sails were replaced in Playground 1. Other repairs will be undertaken over the next few weeks and during the term break as per the agreed PMP report.