Swimming Carnival


Thank you to all parents and friends of the school who attended our swimming carnival. Special thanks to students and staff who volunteered and worked all day on our timekeeping, this help was extremely valuable and greatly appreciated. A personal apology from me to families who attended for allowing the event to run late. I know many parents only have short break times and this makes it difficult to attend. I’m implementing changes for next year’s carnival to make it run on time, as we value your attendance. We had wonderful weather for our day, with the high temperatures of the previous days warming the water and the relatively low temperature of the event day providing relief for spectators. Thanks for coming, and I hope you enjoyed seeing your children swim! An experienced lifeguard said that the standard of our swimmers is improving year on year, so let’s keep it going! - Mr. Jackson


Swimming Carnival was a blast! It was amazing to see some of these people fly through the water. Everyone put in their best and pushed themselves to their limits and they did not disappoint. There was a lot of diversity throughout all the races which made for a great day of fun competitive racing. Great work with the under 7s and their ball scramble. It is always fun to watch that and encourage them on. Then there is the Sausage Sizzle. That is always one of the highlights of the Swimming Carnival. Thanks to everyone who worked on that. It was also really encouraging to see so many parents there watching and cheering on the racers. Thanks to Mr. Jackson and the timekeepers because without them we would not have a Swimming Carnival. Also, a big thanks to Mr. Tresize for the chance to do the Swimming Carnival because without Mr. Tresize’s hard work we would not have this privilege. Thanks to all these reasons, Swimming Carnival was great. - Josiah Deroon


Table of Age Championships below: 

ARNOL, Claire (7)07_UFemaleRED
JACKSON, Ben (7)07_UMaleRED
TRINKLE, Timothy (9)09_UMaleGREEN
LINKLATER, Eden (11)11_UFemaleRED
JANETZKI, Regan (10)11_UMaleGREEN
HOOPER, Bella (12)13_UFemaleRED
JANETZKI, Mason (12)13_UMaleGREEN
KOLO, Tilesa (14)15_UFemaleRED
KATONGOLE, Gouldie (16)OPENFemaleRED
DEROON, Josiah (16)OPENMaleRED