Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden (SAKG)

This week in the Garden
This week we harvested mint, purple beans, 2x of our very plump lettuces, nasturtiums and basil that were all needed in the kitchen. We then learnt how to plant a variety of seeds - carrots, beetroot and radish along with spinach, lettuce, basil and pea seedlings using the correct planting method for each one. Care taking the seedlings out of the punnets is very important as their roots are easily broken. This was followed by planting seeds in rows and carefully spacing the seeds out. Both were then mulched and watered well. We also did some more tidying of the chooks area and more weeding in the other garden beds. A very busy time as always. Some children also practiced wheeling bags of mulch and soil from the shed to the garden bed where they were required, a little bit tricky when turning corners!
Please pop in to have a look at how well our garden is growing!
This week in the Kitchen...
Wecontinued to practise our knife skills whilst making 3 different dishes for our shared meal. Fresh produce such as purple beans, lettuce, mint, nasturtium petals were harvested from the garden to use in our salad of the imagination. Our chooks' delicious eggs were also boiled and included. The egg yolks were so yellow and tasty!
One group turned their hand to bread making and Indian flatbread was made and cooked on hotplates, served with our homemade basil pesto, yum, yum!
A watermelon salad with our homegrown lettuce was a refreshing dish for another hot day.
The links to each recipe are below...
Natalie - the Activities Co-ordinator at Bunnings Nottinghill has provided seedlings, mulch and potting mix to our SAKG Program and will be returning this term to work with our students planting fruit trees and other vegetables. We really appreciate the support.