Grade 3-6:

This term we've started exploring place value in Numeracy. One of our first tasks was an activity we call stocktake. This was a lot of fun for everyone and promotes not just maths but also the skills of teamwork as well. Essentially the students are given a large amount of a material to count (unifix, counters, linking cubes, matchsticks). They have to work out how they can count the material and arrange it in a way that the teacher can confirm their count in 30 seconds. It was interesting to see the way students bundled their blocks. Some chose to count in 5's, there were a few who counted in 10's and even some who used sets of 20 as they knew they had a large number to work with.
The largest groups had over 1000 blocks to count which took quite some time!
Grade 5 & 6 students attended Interschool Sports Gala Day at Mulgrave Primary School on Thursday 29th Feb. Sports included tennis, volleyball & T-ball and all students joined in enthusiastically and tried their best, well done to all involved.
Volleyball in action!
We have been really lucky to have the opportunity to participate in a wide range of sports recently.
We had basketball clinics with Knox Basketball Club which was supported by the Bendigo Bank. Each student participated in 2 clinics and had lots of fun getting to know more about basketball.
Tennis: we are completing our 4 weeks of tennis next week at the Lum Rd Courts.
The students have really enjoyed the opportunity to learn new tennis skills thanks to our Sporting Schools Grant. We were also able to get nets, racquets and tennis balls for us to keep at school and use.
Parents are welcome to join us at Lum Rd Tennis Club on Monday March 4 to watch your children. This is a local walking excursion and therefore free of charge.
The schedule is as follows:
Students will walk to the Lum Rd courts and back taking their drink bottles and hats.
Grade 3 depart WMPS at 11.15am
Session 11.30-12.30
Grade 4 depart WMPS at 12.15pm
Session 12.30-1.30pm
Grade 5 depart WMPS at 1.15pm
Session 1.30-2.30pm
Grade 6 depart WMPS at 2.15pm
Session 2.30-3.25pm