Learning Centre News... 

Learning Centre One

What a fun few weeks of settling into school life and learning what it is like to be a student at OLSC. The students have been developing strong relationships with their peers and teachers. It has been great watching them share their personalities and come out of their shells.


In English, the preps have been continuing to explore their phase 2 sounds and have worked to create and make a range of words that begin with the sound being explored. The students continued to engage in language experiences relating to the texts being explored being - Monster’s Party, Pet Shop and the Hungry Giant’s Lunch and then they began to look at Pig the Pug, I Went Walking and The Terrible Plop to use as language experience for their writing.

During Maths, the students have been exploring a range of patterns being number, shape, colour and letter. Students have been exposed to a range of patterns and how they can continue or create their own using a range of materials being unifix blocks, shapes etc. The students then looked at how they can create movement patterns that have 1,2, 3 and 4 parts included.

In Religion, the preps have learned about symbols and how they’re important to their faith and symbols that are important to the Catholic faith being the cross, candle, bible etc. The students participated in their 1st Ash Wednesday liturgy and received the ashes on their head. They then further explored Our Father and how prayer is part of our routine at school. They then sequenced the prayer and broke it into parts to draw what the parts of the prayer looks like to them.

Please make sure that devices are charged and brought to school each and everyday for learning.


Important Reminder:

At the end of the day students are not to be playing on the playground as there are no teachers actively on duty to ensure no one gets hurt. Thank you for your cooperation. 


Thanks for your continued support,

Prep Team


Some friendly reminders:

  • Specialist Day is every Friday - please ensure that sports uniform is worn, and that they have a hat and drink bottle ready for the day.
  • No hat no play - please make sure your child brings their hat everyday
  • Names on items - please make sure that all of your child’s belongings have their name clearly on them so we can make sure that they get back to them.
  • Monday February 26th - Prep begin full time school 
  • Monday February 26th - Whole School Assembly at 9am in the Sports Centre - All Welcome!
  • Friday 1st March - Bishop Martin Ashe visiting. Liturgy at 12pm - All Welcome!
  • Monday 4th March - School Closure Day
  • Monday 11th March - Public Holiday
  • Friday 15th March - School Photo Day

Prep Team - Amanda, Donna, Rachael, Kiah, Sarena, Teagan, Sam, Tina & Dasanthi. 


Learning Centre Two

Here we are, almost halfway through Term 1! The 5/6 students have been busy training for their chosen sport for this year's Summer Gala day. They are in teams for tennis, basketball, softball, volleyball and cricket, and are looking forward to playing against other schools on March 22nd.



Our focus during the Literacy block has continued with our Graeme Base author study. Students have read about Graeme's life and how he became an author and illustrator of children's books. We have read a book called Eye to Eye. Using the clues within his illustrations, students have made predictions and built up their vocabulary. they have transformed the ideas within his writing into their own pieces of work. Here are some examples of their writing and artwork based on Animalia and Eye to Eye.


This week in Maths, the students have been working on sorting numbers into particular categories. They have learnt about the difference between prime and composite numbers by identifying the factors that multiply to make particular numbers.



Our work with the book of Psalms has continued and students have written their own Psalms to be recited during morning prayer and meditation.


This coming week we begin our Growth Mindset focus in Wellbeing. Please see the flyer below for some ideas around encouraging your child to adopt a growth mindset at home.

It includes some discussion prompts to help initiate conversations.



Our Sustainability Leaders have an important announcement:

We're excited that OLSC is registered to participate in the National Ride2School Day on 25th March 2024. Join us in Australia's biggest celebration of active travel and one of the best days on the school calendar. It will be a day full of fun and colour where students, teachers, and parents discover the joy of riding and kick-starting habits for the future. Watch this space for more information about prizes and how you can participate in the activities on the day.


Please head over to the Learning and Teaching page to find the 5/6 Term 1 Overview.




  • Monday 12th February - Student Leaders Conference
  • Wednesday 14th February  - Ash Wednesday Liturgy 9 am - ALL WELCOME
  • Thursday 15th February  - School Family Picnic 5-7 pm
  • Friday 16th February - Whole School Mass 12 pm - ALL WELCOME
  • Monday 26th February - Subway Day
  • Monday 26th February - 9 am Whole School Assembly
  • Friday 1st March - Bishop Martin Ashe visiting. Liturgy at 12pm - All Welcome!
  • Monday 4th March - School Closure Day 
  • Friday 15th March - School Photo Day
  • Friday 22nd March - Summer Gala Sports Day

Year 5/6 Team:  Ann, Anna, Ben, Bianca, Chelsea, Cheryl, Danielle, Isaac, Kristina, Krystin, Selena, Scott and Zach.

Learning Centre Three

We have been very busy this fortnight in Year 1/2! 


On Tuesday 13th February we celebrated Shrove Tuesday by eating lots of delicious pancakes! Thank you to our learning support teachers and parent helpers for making the day as easy as possible! 


Wednesday 14th February marked the start of Lent where OLSC took part in the Ash Wednesday Liturgy. 

Thursday 15th February was the OLSC picnic. It was great to see so many families enjoying the OLSC community in the sun.


Friday 16th February we had our first whole school mass. Thank you to all the parents who attended. 


For Literacy, we began our reading rotations. We are focusing on a new book each week, including phonics and handwriting in our sessions too!


During Maths, we have been looking at counting on a 120 grid. We have been working on 10 more, 10 less, 1 more and 1 less. 

In Religion, we are learning about the parts of  Mass and preparing our class prayer mats. 


In Inquiry, we have started our Design Technology unit where we will be creating our own toys. This week we brought in our favourite toys and have been discussing ways to improve them.  



Thank you all for a fun-filled fortnight! 


Year 1/2 Team - Gabby, Gillian, Imogen, Janeen, Jamie, Jess, Jordan, Mary, Shalome, Tasmin, Tina and  Sue.


A few reminders

  • Please send some fruit with your child as we do have a fruit break for the students. 
  • Please remember to have all clothing, including hats with your childs name.
  • Zooper Dooper Friday has started. 


  • Whole School Assembly Monday 26th February (9am) - ALL WELCOME
  • Bishop Martin Ashe visiting. Liturgy at 12pm - Friday 1st March - All 
  • School Closure Day Monday 4th March
  • Public Holiday Monday 11th March
  • School Photos  Friday 15th March


Learning Centre Four

Literacy- In Reading, students have been looking at The Bad Seed and the Good Egg. They have been identifying nouns, adjectives and verbs in the stories and writing noun and verb groups. They have also been completing some comprehension tasks in relation to the stories.

In Writing, the students have been learning about the writing process and completing a narrative story with a character they created based on a food. We have seen some really wonderful and creative stories this week!


Maths- Students have been looking at place value up to 5 digits and practising modelling their numbers and expanding the numbers they make. The students have used a variety of hands on manipulatives, such as MAB, as well as using a Poly Pad on the devices to show their understanding of place value. As a part of fluency, students are encouraged to continue to practise reading and writing numbers as words as well as skip count using a 100s chart backwards and forwards by 2s, 5s, 10s etc.



This week in Religion, LC4 has been looking at the story of Zacchaeus. Students have reflected on times they have forgiven and times when they were forgiven. The students wrote prayers to God from the perspective of Zacchaeus and even wrote a prayer of sorrow for a Sycamore tree display that will be going up in our learning centre in the coming week.



The beginning of Inquiry for this week, students have started our new unit of Inquiry and have been learning about expectations, rules and laws. Students have recorded the definitions of what each of these are and written some examples they know and see in their school life and home life. 



Every Monday at 12:35pm, the school completes a Wellbeing hour. The year has started with students looking at our Core school values of Respect, Resilience and Responsibility and what these look like inside and outside of the classroom. The students have made a series of posters of what our core values Look like, Feel like and Sound like. 


Please head over to the Learning and Teaching page to find the 3/4 Term 1 Overview.


Some friendly reminders...

Please remember to put your child's name on all school hats and jackets. 

In Term 1, hats must be worn when students are playing outside.




  • Monday 26th February - 9 am Whole School Assembly
  • Friday 1st March - Bishop Martin Ashe visiting. Liturgy at 12pm - All 
  • Monday 4th March - School Closure Day 
  • Friday 15th March - School Photo Day


Year 3/4 Team: Adam, Alison, Beth, Elizabeth, Emma, Hayley, Helen, Isaac, Jannine, John, Josh and Milla.