Parents & Citizens Association

BVPS P&C welcomes new members
As a P&C committee, we contribute to school life by doing a little fundraising, organising and running school community events and providing a parent/carer perspective to the school executive and staff to ensure positive communication between all involved in your child's education. In recent years, we have put together events such as the International Food Fair and BBQ nights, and run fundraisers such as Spring Bulbs and mango drives.
Joining the P&C involves as much or as little time commitment as you want. We are a friendly group and always looking for new members. It's a great way to become involved in school life, and also to meet other parents.
We meet on the first Wednesday of the month in the library or Principal's office at 6:30pm. Meetings usually last one to one and a half hours, depending on what we are planning. If you are unable to attend many or any meetings, we are also active on Facebook and can be contacted via email.
Our email address is
If you would like more information, follow us on Facebook at Ben Venue PS Parents and Citizens Association, as we regularly post there about upcoming events.