Deputy Principal's Message

We look forward to welcoming our school community to classrooms over the next fortnight for our Stage 1, 2 and 3 parent-student-teacher interviews and our ES1 parent-teacher interviews.
During Weeks 5 and 6, Stage 1, 2 and 3 teachers will be conducting parent-student-teacher interviews and Kindergarten teachers will be engaging in parent-teacher interviews. These interviews will be held face-to-face in your child's classroom. The online booking period closes this Friday 23 February at 5pm.
If you have not yet booked an interview and wish to meet with your child's teacher, please go to and use the code x3dv9. To book after Friday 23 February, or if you are unable to access the internet, please speak with our office staff to book an interview time.
We look forward to meeting with you and your child and working together to support your child to have a successful year at Ben Venue PS.
The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN)
The formal 2024 NAPLAN Online test window is 13 – 25 March. NAPLAN assesses literacy and numeracy skills that students learn through their regular school curriculum.
The NSW Department of Education expects that all students participate in the assessment program. However, students may be withdrawn from the tests at the request of their parent/carer. Exemption must be discussed with the school principal, Mr Pryce. Please contact the school as soon as possible, if you intend on withdrawing your child and require an exemption from the formal NAPLAN Online assessment.
To find out more about NAPLAN online, please visit the National Assessment Program website, watch the understanding NAPLAN online video clip or click here to access the NAPLAN Online Parent Brochure.
Lana Howlett
Deputy Principal