Specialist News 

Performing Arts + Art 


Welcome to the first Performing Arts update for the year. 


Although this is not a Production year (that’s next year folks!) we still hope to have many amazing things happening at Ripponlea this year. 


Our focus in Music Appreciation is the different genres. So far we have covered Surf Rock, Jazz, Soul, Hip Hop and Early Rock and Roll (eg Elvis) with a different genre highlighted each week. We discuss what we like about music and the difference in styles between each genre.


In Years 3-6 we began the year playing rhythms and hand drums and rhythm sticks and from there we moved to working with Hip Hop styling with the students creating raps over a drum beat. At the moment they are remixing old nursery rhymes with emphasis on the beat and rhythm and not the melody. This has certainly generated a few laughs in the classroom.


In years 1-2 we are exploring different percussion instruments including hand drums, rhythm sticks , maracas and more. The students are playing along with familiar songs and making plenty of noise! We have tried a bit of rapping to the beat too.


In Foundation we have been learning the school song and have begun exploring rhythm using body percussion.


At all levels, we sing songs and practice our dancing and have lots of fun!


Ps. The Choir is growing bigger every week! Everyone can join in the fun every Thursday at Lunchtime at 2 pm (second half of lunch) We hope to be ready to perform at assembly at the end of term.


In Grade 3/4 this month, our budding artists delved into the art principle of contrast.


Focusing on exploring the concept of positive and negative space. 


Looking at Malaysian artist Tang Yau Hoong, who plays with negative and positive space to evoke emotion from the viewer. 

‘Beware of those Hands’  Tang Yau Hoong (Artist) 


With scissors in hand and creativity flowing, students meticulously cut shapes from paper, crafting reflections that would bring their artwork to life. With a keen eye for detail, they then painted within the negative space, seamlessly blending watercolour paint to create striking compositions. 


Through this hands-on exploration, our young artists not only honed their technical skills but also developed a deeper understanding of how contrast and space can draw the eye and captivate the viewer.



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