Principal's Desk
Dale Blythman
Principal's Desk
Dale Blythman
Over the past few weeks we have been sharing ways in which we can have our parent/community helpers support us in school initiative and events. Below is a perfect opportunity for anyone who is interested:
The much anticipated House Athletics Day is fast approaching, taking place on Wednesday, 20 March. In order for the day to be a success, we require a number of volunteers. Volunteers would need to be available from 9:30am to 1:00pm and have provided the office with a current Working With Children Check. If you would like to be involved in a fun-filled day, please email Mr Davey directly at
Any offers of assistance would be greatly appreciated.
We have recently run our School Council election. I am pleased to declare the poll and announce to the Community the members of Park Ridge School Council 2024. Congratulations to Garry, Gayle, Pouria, Courtney and Sumit who have been elected to our School Council for 2024 from the result of our call for nominations.
Parent Members:
DE Members:
Non-voting member:
I would like to thank all of the members for their support and willingness to contribute to the school in this way. I extend a special thanks to Mel Rantall who has acted as our School Council President for the last 12 months. Mel's positive and enthusiastic support has been much appreciated. I look forward to working with our new School Council group over the coming terms and I encourage the community to approach your School Council members with any feedback or queries you may have.
The school we have, is the one we build together.
NAPLAN is a national literacy and numeracy assessment that students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 sit each year. It is the only national assessment all Australian students have the opportunity to undertake.
NAPLAN assesses literacy and numeracy skills that students are learning through their regular school curriculum. Students sit assessments in writing, reading, conventions of language (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy. The questions assess content linked to the Australian Curriculum: English and Mathematics.
NAPLAN is just one aspect of a school’s assessment and reporting process. It doesn’t replace ongoing assessments made by teachers about student performance, but it can provide teachers with additional information about students’ educational progress.
NAPLAN also provides schools, education authorities and governments with information about how education programs are working and whether young Australians are achieving important educational outcomes in literacy and numeracy
NAPLAN Online will be conducted on the following dates at Park Ridge Primary School for Year 3 and Year 5 students-
Wednesday 13 March - Writing
Thursday 14 March - Reading
Monday 18 March - Conventions of Language
Tuesday 19 March - Numeracy
The Department of Education (DE) does not provide personal accident insurance for students. Parents and carers are generally responsible for paying the cost of medical treatment for injured students, including any transport costs.
The Department of Education states that reasonable low-cost accident insurance policies are available from the commercial insurance sector. For those parents and carers who seek personal cover, details of an insurer who offers low-cost individual accident insurance is EBM Insurance Brokers and their website is
Similarly, DE (which includes the school) does not offer replacement of personal items which are brought to school and are lost, broken, or stolen. Sentimental or expensive belongings and toys, including sports equipment and electronic devices, are normally best left at home.
We ask that our community please be aware of our local residents during pick up and drop off each day. Please abide by the parking rules and don't park across driveways or in No Standing zones. We are aware that reports have been made to the Council and we expect that parking inspectors will be visiting the school in the coming weeks.
I hope that everyone has a great long weekend and look forward to seeing everyone back on Tuesday, 12 March.
Take care,