First Steps Centre

Kinder Dates and Notifications:

  • Kindergarten Family Picnic -14th March 5:00pm - 6:00pm at Moo Cow Playground, 1 Wren Close, Nunawading. 
  • Family Breakfast: 28th March- 7:30am on-wards. 


It's been a wonderful and busy week with the three-year-old group! At this time of year, the kinder yard is full of insect life. This has led to many fascinating discoveries and observations. Play invitations, stories, and action songs are extending this interest and connecting us to our environment. Children have loved challenging themselves by swinging on the monkey bars and, in the process, have been learning about what it means to take turns. It's great to see how confident children are becoming as they navigate the kinder environment and make connections with one another. 


Our four-year-old classes have been discussing ideas around identity and what it means to us. Children have explored these ideas further by drawing self-portraits using mirrors, had discussions about similarities and differences and represented themselves through various forms of art and through music. 


We loved participating in the Twilight sports carnival, the children visited the oval to practice and were so confident in running their race. 


The Kindergarten team!