Inquiry Centre


Selamat siang!


What a funfilled time we had at Twilight Sports! Thanks to all the 1/2 families for attending with their child/children and encouraging them to give the events a go! It was great to see our students trying their best and working hard to represent their house colour. 

Well done to our SRC representatives who received their badges at assembly this week. We are very proud of you! Narrative writing, learning about numberlines in Maths and adjectives in writing and reading have been some highlights this week! 


We have had a few parents offer to help out at Junior Rotations on a Friday afternoon, starting next week the 8th of March. Thank you for offering to help. If you would like to volunteer your time at Junior rotations each Friday please get in contact with your child’s teacher and ensure you have a current WWCC. 


We hope you have a great weekend! 

Emma, Suzie, Miss Shaye, Amanda, Miss Emmett, Kate and Mrs Seadon.  

Student Voice

  • “Sunny is a noun and an adjective, sunny day and Sunny my name!” - Sunny 1/2E
  • “I like Maths because I like playing games like the 100 one” - Jonah 1/2E
  • “I’m in red house I can’t wait to see who else is!” - Olivia 1/2E 
  • “I like sport” - Andrew 1/2S 
  • “121" “I like Maths” - Thomas 1/2E 


  • Please make sure your child brings a hat to school in Term 1. 
  • Please make sure your child brings a drink bottle to school. 
  • If you could send in a box of tissues with your child, these get used throughout the year by their class. 
  • Students are particularly hungry during the first few weeks of school. Please send some additional fruit/healthy snacks for them to enjoy during the day. 

Pupil of the Week

1/2A - Daniel F

For demonstrating a love of learning when searching for amazing adjectives in your books. 


1/2M - Cole S

For demonstrating a love of learning and determination in maths sessions when showing multiple ways of representing a number. 


1/2S - Paige C

For showing independence when creating our number lines. You worked really hard to create your numberline and could accurately place a wide range of numbers on it. 


1/2KS - Ethan D

For displaying teamwork when making our class calendar for February. You did a great job providing information about your birthday so we could put the weeks together accurately. 


1/2E - Melody F

For displaying creativity when planning your characters and setting for your narrative. You showed persistence in your writing and tried your best!