Parents & Friends 

How much fun was Twilight Sports last night! I hope all who attended had a great night.


Cake Raffle

A huge thanks to the McCubbin family for this weeks delicious cake raffle prizes!  This week we raised $20.70.


The cake raffle is held every Monday at assembly, with prizes donated by families from across the school.  Tickets are 20c each or 6 for $1, and are available for students to purchase at recess each Monday.  If you are able to help us out by baking or contributing a prize for the raffle one week, the sign up sheet is now on the P&F board at reception.


Twilight Sports BBQ

Last Thursday we held another fabulous Twilight Sports BBQ.  It was so great to see many of you grabbing a sausage, burger or cold drink. Thanks again to all the parents and staff who helped cook or serve!


Secondhand Uniforms

We also held our first secondhand uniform stall last Thursday at Twilight Sports.  All the profits from secondhand uniform sales go to P&F and back into the school, so it's amazing to have lots of donations come in and lots of sales go out.  Thankyou again to all who helped run the stall this year.


Hot Cross Buns

Our annual Hot Cross Bun fundraiser is now open, and this year, we've moved it all online.  You can find out all the information and place your order here   


Orders close at 8pm on Monday 18 March, and we will not be able to accept late orders, so get yours in early.


Easter Raffle

Our annual Easter Raffle will be held at our Family Breakfast at the end of term.  We will soon be starting to call out for donations of Easter chocolates (boxed or bags), empty baskets, and other Easter goodies such as books, toys and candles, so if you have anything taking up space from last Easter, or you see a good special at the supermarket, please consider putting some items aside to donate to the school. All contributions are much appreciated!


Class Chats and Parent Reps

Over the last week, all senior families should have received a notice with the details on how to join their class WhatsApp group chat.  This is a great way to connect with other families in your class, ask questions and get information.  If you haven't received the details on your class chat, please let me know at


Junior class chats are still in the process of being set up, with the last few almost ready to go. Keep an eye out for those details soon!


We are still in need of parent reps for a number of senior classes.  This is a really simple role providing a point of contact between the school and your class.  Please let me know if you would be willing to help out with this role.


P&F Meetings

Our next meeting is Friday 22 March, 9am, in person and on Zoom.  All are welcome to attend and find out what P&F is up to.


Event Coordinators

Given the number of fundraising events coming up throughout the year, having event coordinators for each one helps make my job a lot less stressful.  Event coordination differs depending on the event, but generally involves helping with the planning of the event, calling for volunteers or donations, and helping run the event (all with help of course).  The list of events needing coordinators, and the time commitment and required tasks was sent home with the Term 1 information flyer, and is available on the P&F board at reception.  If you have capacity to help me out with any of the events coming up, please let me know.


Want to get in touch?

There are lots of ways to get in touch with me!


Facebook:  join the MPRPS facebook group @mprpsparentsandfriends

WhatsApp:  join the P&F WhatsApp group

Find me at pick up or drop off


You can also get in touch with our Community Support Representative Jess Walker at for a confidential chat if you need support for any reason.




P&F Coordinator