Secondary Community News

Lower Secondary (Years 7-8)
The 7/8 cohort has had an exciting last 2 weeks.
Last Thursday 7/8’s went for their first Travel Training experience for the year. The students walked down to Ginifer Station and practiced using their mykis to catch the train to Watergardens Shopping Centre. The students used their knowledge of being safe and responsible on transport by sitting down and keeping their hands and feet to themselves. The 7/8’s met up and had lunch together. Some students enjoyed some takeaway and ice cream.
The students have been doing lots of hands-on activities in inquiry to support their learning of Australian History. Students sourced natural materials to create a diorama of an Indigenous Australian landscape. The students had lots of fun walking around to collect different items such as rocks, grass, leaves, sticks and flowers then used other classroom materials to finish it off.
Upper Secondary (Years 9-10)
Students have been engaging well in Equine Management and learning a variety of skills. Students have been leading and washing horses, cleaning water and food containers, feeding the horses, setting up and taking down jumps, cleaning tack (horse riding equipment) and collecting eggs. Students are also learning crucial skills such as teamwork and cooperation, resilience, appropriate clothes for the workplace, taking instructions, proactive work practises and communication. Students enjoy working with Deb (the owner) and she has a great relationship with the students. It has been a hot term and the students have managed well in a, at times, challenging environment, although ice-creams at the end of the day helps. As a new teacher at Jackson School I have enjoyed working with the diversity of students who attend Equine Management and am thankful for the support and direction I get from Kerry, the ES, who is an old hand at Equine Management.
The World of Work and Community Investigations
The year 9/10s have been busy putting into practice their employability skills; Communication, Problem-Solving, Initiative, Learning, Technology, Self-management, Teamwork, Planning and Organising, both in and out of the classroom.
This week, some of the students completed a Food Safety Course run by William Angliss. The course ran over two days with some theory work, followed by practical and the making of delicious milkshakes. The aim is to prepare the students for working in a busy kitchen environment.
The Production team of the Hungry Flame Café used this knowledge for ‘practice runs’ in our kitchen, producing some delicious ‘subs’ for a few staff to test and give feedback.
The Advertising and Service Teams have also been working on their Initiative and Communication skills in readiness for the Café launch next term.
Out in the community, some students practiced their Planning, Organising and Teamwork skills when they visited the Highpoint Bowling Centre. Students had to plan their journey to and from the venue, using their knowledge of Time when using the PTV website, to ensure this activity could be achieved within the given time frame.
Another group also used these skills to visit the NGV for some art appreciation. What is Art? Do you like it? Is that really good? All questions were posed while walking around the exhibits.
A year 9 group used their Communication and Self-Management skills to navigate the busy roads around the school and visited Ginifer Station in preparation for their community access to Watergardens on Friday.
This week we look forward to a long weekend before we continue learning some new skills when we go swimming for the last two weeks of the term. So, watch this space for some more action-packed photos.
Senior Secondary (VPC/ASDAN)
Working hard to clear the weeds and plant at Westvale Community Gardens.
Secondary Students of the Week