Primary Community News

Foundation (Prep-Year 2)
This term, the students of 12A are excited to know their new teachers and make new friends. Students are learning their routines, enjoying circle times, and learning about the school values. In 12A, students had fun making playdough by learning to pour, mix and roll the playdough. Students enjoyed making self-portraits while learning ‘All About Me.’ Here is some of the fantastic work of our students:
Lower Primary (Years 3-4)
The Lower Primary team have been learning about how to be safe, respectful and responsible in different areas of the school and community. We had a lot of fun this week, learning about how to be safe, respectful, and responsible on the bus. We created a bus in the classroom by using chairs and practiced lining up for the bus, putting our seatbelts on and keeping our hands and feet to self.
Upper Primary (Years 5-6)
Year 5/6s have been enjoying their swimming lessons at Keilor Down Leisure Centre the past two weeks. Students have been learning about water safety and new skills while swimming.
At school students have also been learning about place value and telling time. They have been making numbers using MAB blocks and expanding the number using their knowledge of place value. They have also been learning how to tell half an hour and quarter of an hour. Our students also completed writing activities about swimming experiences.
Primary Students of the Week