Positive Behaviour for Learning

Throughout weeks 9-10 students will be focusing on being responsible in our PBL lessons. The students are learning to show their teachers, both in the classroom and playground how they can be responsible. 


PBL Focus Term 1, Weeks 9-10: Be Responsible


What is a taking responsibility? Taking responsibility means that students take ownership over their actions and are responsible for the decisions that they make. When we take responsibility, we accept consequences and apologise if we have broken rules. When we are responsible, we follow the rules and are proactive in our actions.


The below information is from our school matrix of how to be responsible in different locations across our school.


K-2 Grass Area

3-6 Grass Area

Deck Area

Basketball Court

Quiet Area

Eat food under the shelter


Eat food under the COLA


Active games only



Care for belongings


Eat food under the COLA


Eat food under the COLA


Hard Surfaces




Gumbaya Centre

Care for belongings




Eat food under the COLA or shelter


Care for belongings, including money


Allow enough time to eat your food

Turn taps off



Use water sensibly


Food stays outside 

Care for belongings



Leave the hall tidy


Return equipment and furniture to where it belongs


Care for belongings


Discovery Headquarters


Hallways / Corridors / Stairs



Return equipment and furniture to where it belongs

Return books, equipment and furniture to where it belongs



Care for books


Care for belongings


Ask permission to go to the office


Return equipment and furniture to where it belongs



Care for belongings



Follow classroom rules