Year 7 News

Cam Bruce & Gareth Hose | Year 7 Coordinators

Val Finch 2023

Congratulations to Piper Taylor who won the Val Finch Writing Competition for Year 7. It is always fantastic to see students having a go at extra-curricular activities that are run throughout the school. A huge well done and great jo for those students who also participated and submitted work. From all reports there were a number of high-quality pieces written.

Dodgeball Competition

The camaraderie and spirit on the court is high each Thursday at the gymnasium during the Year 7 dodgeball competition that Mrs Mckenry is running. Which form group will come out on top?

Communication and Appointments

An important reminder to parents and guardians: if a student is required to miss part of the school day for an appointment, please let us know ahead of time so we can issue the student a blue pass. This will enable the student to leave class at the correct time and will also ensure that their attendance is marked correctly, as well as ensuring that we know that students are safe. 


Speaking of attendance, a big thank you to the many families who have diligently reported to us when their child is absent from school.  We will be trying to resolve any unexplained absences over the next few weeks before the end of the year. 

Assessment and Reporting

As we near the end of the year, it’s important that all students keep focussed on their learning until the end of the year, we still have several weeks of valuable learning planned! Students are reminded to check in with their teachers about any unsubmitted assessment tasks.


Should your child be out of regular school uniform, please notify the year 7 office by note or phone call, allowing us to issue students with an out of uniform pass.


A big congratulations to all the Year 7 students who have been remembering to bring and wear their hats every day, even on windy days! 


A huge congratulations goes to the Horsham College Year 7 girls basketball team who were successful at the Greater Western Region competition and will now head to Melbourne to compete at the State Finals. We wish you all the very best!