Principal's Report

Ms Meg Woolford - Acting Principal 

Headstart Program – 2024

A reminder that the Year 11 into 12 Headstart program will begin on November 13th.  This is a great way to start 2024 and student’s final year at the College.  Where possible the Year 12 teacher for next year will take the class and when this is not possible the current Year 12 teacher will take the class for the two weeks.

Students will have received their Headstart timetable by the end of the week and over the next two weeks over 40 separate face-to-face Year 12 classes will begin.

The Headstart program for students in Year 10 to 11 2024 will begin on 27th November.

Any queries regarding the Headstart program can be directed to myself or a member of the Senior School Team. 


Year 12 Exams 

The Year 12 Exams are entering their final weeks and I would like to congratulate the students who have sat their exams.  The supervisors have commented on the student’s attitude and effort throughout the exams and that it is a great reflection of the College.

Congratulations to those students who have finished and to those with exams still to come we wish you all the best.   


Soil Week Prize Winner

Congratulation to Keeley McDermott who was successful in winning the Wimmera Secondary School Category for Soil Week, after her digital presentation that responded to the prompt “Earthworms- What is the connection between worms, soil and climate”.


Warm Weather – Summer – Term 4 Hats

A reminder to all that term 4 is a hat term.  All students and staff are expected to wear hats during term.  We would also ask parents/carers to have the discussion with their students ensure that the summer uniform is worn appropriately. 

Any families requiring support with their uniform are asked to contact the year level teams and or relevant Student Wellbeing Coordinators.


End of Year Dates 

Please note the following important dates for the end of the school year:

November 13th to 24th – Year 11 to 12 Headstart

November 27th to December 1st – Year 10 to 11 Headstart

December 4th to 6th – Year 9 Camp

December 11th – Alternate Programs (Reengagement) Awards

December 12th – Year 7 Statewide Transition Day

December 13th - Year 7 to 11 Awards

December 15th - Year 12 Valedictory Dinner and Awards Night